une panne


haleine (ah-len) noun, feminine
1. breath; breathing

avoir mauvaise haleine = to have bad breath
tout d'une haleine = in the same breath
avoir l'haleine courte = to be short of breath or short-winded
perdre haleine = to lose one's breath
rire à perdre haleine = to laugh until one's sides ache
reprendre haleine = to catch one's breath
discuter à perdre haleine = to argue non-stop
retenir son haleine = to hold one's breath
un travail de longue haleine = a long and exacting task
d'une seule haleine = in the same breath (without interruption)
tenir quelqu'un en haleine = to hold somebody spellbound; to keep somebody in suspense

Citation du Jour:

Contre la mauvaise haleine, un seul remède: le téléphone !
There is only one remedy against bad breath: the telephone!
-Michel Chrestien

A Day in a French Life...

(Don't miss the story that originally appeared here, along with the vocabulary below--now a part of this book!)

*References: noisette = hazelnut; beurk! = gross! le dégoût (m) = disgust; arrête (arreter) = stop; ça suffit = that's enough! embêter = to annoy; encore du camembert, s'il te plaît! = more camembert, please!

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety