un arc

un mouton

Psst.... No word on Monday, see you all on Mardi* :-)

un mouton (moo-tohn) noun, masculine
1. sheep, sheepskin
2. mutton
3. fluff (dust); piece of fluff

moutonnier, ière = sheeplike


compter les moutons = to count sheep
un ciel moutonné = a sky covered with little white clouds
doux comme un mouton = as gentle as a lamb
le mouton noir = the black sheep of the family
être un mouton = to be easily led (to go with the crowd)
un comportement moutonnier = to behave like sheep
revenons à nos moutons = let's get back to the subject
un mouton à cinq pattes = a rare bird (person)


Mieux vaut vivre un jour comme un lion que cent ans comme un mouton.

Better to live one day as a lion than one hundred years as a sheep.
*References: le mardi = Tuesday

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety