un peigne
une ordure


Words_in_a_french_life Words in a French Life: "...a heart-winning collection from an American woman raising two very French children with her French husband in Provence, carrying on a lifelong love affair with the language."

vide (veed) adjective
  1. empty
  2. blank

le vide, noun (masculine):
  1. emptiness, void, space
  2. vacuum
  3. gap

un vide-poches (empty-pocket)  = tidy; pin tray
un vide-ordures = a garbage chute
un vide-pomme = an apple corer
un vide greniers = a garage sale

combler le vide = the fill (up) the gap
avoir une case vide = to be crazy
vide de sens = void of meaning; meaningless
passage à vide = a moment of weakness
revenir les mains vides = to return empty-handed
faire le vide autour de quelqu'un = to leave somebody alone
regarder dans le vide = to stare into space
parler dans le vide = to speak into the void (to speak without being heard)


Citation du Jour / French Quote of the Day
Une main, même vide, est parfois d'un grand secours.

A hand, even an empty one, is sometimes a great help.
--Jean Ethier-Blais

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety