le Verseau
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
From an old French encyclopedia "Tout en Un",* issued by la Librairie Hachette in the early 1900's (and une "trouvaille"* from the dusty shelves at our local brocante dracénoise)*: here is an excerpt of "L'Astrologie chez Soi."* Read it in French, in English, or both!
le Verseau (vair-so) noun, masculine
1. the Water-carrier
2. Aquarius
[Verseau is from the verb, "verser" (to pour) and the noun, "eau" (f) water]
Citation du Jour:
Comme tous les verseaux, je ne crois pas à l'horoscope.
Like every Aquarius, I don't believe in the horoscope.
--Paulo Vincente
Le Verseau / Aquarius
Les femmes nées en Janvier sont gaies, aimables, sympathiques constantes dans leurs affections et sincères. Douées d'un bon caractère, elles ont du calme, de l'énergie et de la suite dans les idées. Aimant les distractions, et les plaisirs, elles savent rester sérieuses.
Women born in January are cheerful, kind, likeable, constant in their affection and sincere. Endowed with a good nature, they are calm, have energy and follow through with their ideas. They like entertainment, having a good time and (yet) they know (when) to be serious.
Aquarius, homme, à suivre...
References: tout en un = all in one; une trouvaille (f) = a discovery, find; une brocante (f) = a second-hand store; dracénois(e) (from Draguignan) (the capital of the Var, France); L'Astrologie chez Soi = Astrology at Home; homme (m) = man, à suivre = to be continued
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety