Friday, February 04, 2005
nu, nue (new) adjective
1. naked, nude
2. uncovered
3. bare, plain, unadorned
1. nude (in art)
être pieds nus = to be bare-footed
à main nue = bare-handed
la vérité nue = the plain truth
mettre à nu = to expose, to lay bare
à l'oeil nu = to the naked eye
nu comme un ver = (naked as a worm) stark naked
monter un cheval à nu = to ride bareback
Citation du Jour
Écrire, c'est se cacher derrière les mots tout en se mettant à nu.
To write, is to hide oneself behind words while exposing oneself.
--Claudine Paquet
A Day in a French Life...
(The story that accompanied this column, and included the French vocabulary below, is now a part of this book.)
*References: pieds nus (mpl) = bare feet; mon héros (m) = my hero
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