un trombone
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
A wee addition to yesterday's "Reference" section: un string (m) = underwear (of the thong type)
un trombone (trawn-bon) noun, masculine
1. trombone 2. paper clip
Also: tromboniste = "un joueur de trombone" (trombone player)
Citation du Jour:
L'amour ne sert jamais à transformer les autres. Il n'est que l'instrument de notre propre transformation.
Love never serves to transform others. It is none other than the instrument of our own transformation. --Michel Conte
A Day in a French Life...
Recommended Reading: don't miss the story, now a book, that originally accompanied this edition, along with the following French vocabulary:
un trombone (m) = paper clip; une astuce (f) = a trick; assistante maternelle = teacher's assistant (also child caregiver); la fermeture éclair (f) = zipper; le goûter (m) = snack; un ticket de cantine = a lunch ticket; dégoûté = disgusted; un fruit, par exemple = a fruit, for example; la maîtresse = teacher; plusieurs = several; la maman-poule (f) = mother hen
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety