le coeur
la gorge

une gorgée

Falaise = Cliff (c) = Kristin Espinasse une gorgée (gor-zhay) noun, feminine
1. a mouthful (of wine, etc.); gulp; sip

avaler quelque chose d'une gorgée = to swallow something in one gulp

Citation du Jour:
On avale à pleine gorgée le mensonge qui nous flatte, et l'on boit goutte à goutte une vérité qui nous est amère.

We swallow, by the mouthful, the lie that flatters us, and we drink, drop by drop, the bitter truth.
--Denis Diderot

A Day in a French Life...

(Do not miss the story that originally appeared here, along with the vocabulary below. Order the book!)

le Mistral = a cold, dry wind in S. of France; le sentier (m) = path; intime = intimate; une gorgée (f) = a sip; la gourde (f) = water bottle; la falaise (f) = cliff; l'eau (f) = water; l'oursin (m) = sea urchin; le troc (m) = exchange; Hexagone = France

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety