un morceau
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Wisteria tumbling over an old French door in a town called Avalon...
le morceau (mor-so) noun, masculine
1. piece, bit
avaler le morceau = to swallow the bad news
couper, mettre, réduire en morceau = to break to pieces, to destroy
emporter le morceau = to succeed, to get one's own way
lâcher, cracher le morceau = to confess, to spill the beans
manger un morceau = to eat quickly; to have a snack
tomber en morceau = to fall to pieces
le morceau de vie = slice of life
mâcher les morceaux à quelqu'un = "to chew the pieces for someone" = to prepare the job/ way for someone
Citation du Jour:
Où que j'aille, je suis un morceau du paysage de mon pays.
Wherever I go, I am a piece of the landscape of my country.--Fatos Arapi
A Day in a French Life...
(The story that originally appeared here, with the French vocabulary (below) is now a part of this book -- Don't miss it!!!)
*References: un village typique (m) = a characteristic village; une grand-mère (f) = grandmother; manger un morceau = to have a quick bite to eat; la poubelle (f) = garbage; l'étrangère (f) (l'étranger, m) = foreigner
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