un métier
Monday, May 23, 2005
Read about this photo at Photo du Jour (below)
1. job, profession, craft, trade, occupation, business
parler métier = to talk shop
avoir du métier = to have practical experience
"Chacun son métier et les vaches seront bien gardées" = "If each does his job, the cows will be well looked after" = (it is best to mind one's own business)
Si le métier n'enrichit pas, il met à l'abri du besoin.
If the job does not enrich, it shelters need.
A Day in a French Life...
On Saturday morning I rummaged through the placards* for breakfast. There, among boxes of pâtes,* riz* and organic instant purée de pommes* de terre, I found three boxes of sugar-coated "pops," "smacks" and "crunches". Deciding that I could imagine an even noisier petit déjeuner* than the cereal manufacturers, I set out to dice the loudest fruit in stock chez nous.* To the green apples I added some mute bananas and silent strawberries (synthesizing the bruit*).
Max, Jackie and I split the sweet and tart salad three ways. Twenty minutes later, Jean-Marc sat down to table; before him: a bowl of hot milk and an odd medley of left-over bread ends (now toasted).
"Maman,"* Jackie said, "Where is papa's* fruit salad?"
(Silence and guilty looks ensued...)
"It's okay, Jackie, I have enough here," Jean-Marc replied.
With that, my 7-year-old disappeared.
While Jean-Marc and I were going over our plans for the week-end, Jackie returned; in her hands, a small, faux gold-rimmed bowl, inside the bowl, jagged cuts of fruit. For her father, Jackie had carefully cubed a pomme verte*--leaving its skin--and sliced another banana before putting the fruit into the prettiest bowl she could reach.
"Jackie," I said, "You are so thoughtful!"
My daughter did a little twirl then changed the subject completely:
Max and I seemed to be thinking the same thing, except that my ten-year-old verbalized his opinion:
"Jackie, that's not a job--"to visit things"--and you won't be paid for it."
After a few moments of reflection, I said:
"That's exactly what your tante* Cécile studied-- le tourisme!"*
*References: le placard (m) = cupboard; les pâtes (fpl) = pasta; le riz (m) = rice; la purée de pommes de terre (f) = mashed potatoes; le petit déjeuner (m) = breakfast; chez nous = at our place; le bruit (m) = noise; la maman (f) = mom; le papa (m) = dad; la pomme verte (f) = green apple; la tante (f) = aunt; le tourisme (m) = tourism
Photo du Jour:
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety