

                   Max (last on right, green shirt) and friends playing Boules

la façon (fa-sahn) noun, feminine
  1. way, manner

Hear today's word pronounced: Download facon.wav

de toute(s) façon(s) = at any rate, anyway
sans façon = unpretentiously
faire des façons = to make a fuss

Citation du Jour:
La façon la plus rapide de mettre fin à une guerre est de la perdre.
The quickest way to end a war is to lose it.
--George Orwell

A Day in a French Life...

Recommended Reading: don't miss the story, now a book, that originally accompanied this edition and included these French vocabulary words:

les bizarreries (fpl) = oddities; 37°C = 98.6°F; la douche (f) = shower; le soleil de Provence (m) = the Provence sun; Boules (a.k.a. "Pétanque") (fpl) = a traditional game played with heavy steel balls; le gratin (m) = casserole (of potatoes...); le drap (m) = sheet; les heures creuses (fpl) = off-peak periods; le mouton (m) = sheep

You will find the French word façon referenced in these books:

La Bonne Cuisine de Madame E. Saint-Ange: The Original Companion for French Home Cooking
La Bonne Cuisine de Madame E. Saint-Ange: The Original Companion for French Home Cooking by Madame Evelyn Saint-Ange and Paul Aratow

"Salt Cod, Southern-French Style (Morue à la Façon Méridionale)."

Le Petit Prince: French Edition
Le Petit Prince: French Edition by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Rien n'est vrai dans ce livre, mais il en est ainsi pour toute chose: Nothing in this Book Is True, French-Language Edition
Rien n'est vrai dans ce livre, mais il en est ainsi pour toute chose: Nothing in this Book Is True, French-Language Edition by Bob Frissell

Words in a French Life: Lessons in Love and Language from the South of France
Words in a French Life: Lessons in Love and Language from the South of France by Kristin Espinasse

Savoir-Flair: 211 Tips for Enjoying France and the French
Savoir-Flair: 211 Tips for Enjoying France and the French by Polly Platt and Ande Grchich

The Graphic Unconscious in Early Modern French Writing (Cambridge Studies in French)
The Graphic Unconscious in Early Modern French Writing (Cambridge Studies in French) by Tom Conley

French for Marketing: Using French in Media and Communications
French for Marketing: Using French in Media and Communications by R. E. Batchelor and Malliga Chebli-Saadi

Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms: French/English-English/French
Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms: French/English-English/French by J.P. Michaux

English Word-Formation (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
English Word-Formation (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) by Laurie Bauer

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety