le fleuve
Friday, July 15, 2005
A bridge in Callas, France (similar to the one in today's story)
un fleuve (fluhv) noun, masculine
1. river
adjective: lengthy, interminable
Hear the word "fleuve" pronounced: Download fleuve.wav
un roman-fleuve = a saga (novel)
un discours fleuve = a lengthy speech
Citation du Jour:
Le temps est comme un fleuve, il ne remonte pas à sa source.
Time is like a river, it does not return back to its source. --Rivarol
A Day in a French Life...
(Do not miss the story that originally appeared here, along with the vocabulary below. Order the book!)
*References: le pont (m) = bridge; doucement = easy does it; cheval (chevaux) (m) = horse; kan-oh-ay = pronunciation for (le) canoë (canoe); à pied = on foot; la libellule (f) = dragonfly; le caneton (m) = duckling; le nénuphar (m) = water-lily; le fleuve (f) = river; le papillon (m) = butterfly; le peuplier (m) = poplar, aspen tree; vidaubanais = of Vidauban (small town in the Var region of
France); à sa façon = in her own way
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety