Thursday, September 04, 2008
The writing on the wall reads "à la cholle". Don't ask me what that means as I have no idea. Perhaps someone from Brittany (where the photo was taken) will know?
Ahhh. Looks like such a calm, placid scene (above), but just behind it, there is a flurry-blurry of activity. And while it looks as if we are in Brittany, we are not! Today, we bottle more of the wine! Here follows a shortened edition where I leave you to do the work (via your stories. Read on...)
banc (bahnk) noun, masculine
: bench
Do you--or does the person sitting next to you...know the word for banc in another language? Thanks for sharing the translation, here.
Hear my daughter, Jackie, pronounce today's word and this example:
"Banc. Assieds-toi sur ce banc."
Download banc.mp3 . Download banc.wav
L'amour est une botte de radis achetée à Tarascon et croquée sur un banc avec du
gros sel. Love is a bunch of radishes, bought in Tarascon, and munched with salt while sitting on a bench. -- Frédéric Beigbeder
Getting to know each other...
Like I said, the comments box is a new feature and a great way to share and, you know, se connaître. So here's today's question:
Where is your favorite place to sit? In a park, in front of a fireplace, on a bench in the city while watching the world file by? In an airport? Under a tree? In a train?
Do you slouch when you sit? ... or do you remind yourself to sit up straight? Have you got one of those good, ergonomic ($$$) chairs? ... or can you sit on any ol' thing as long as your kid brother hasn't scattered tacks across the surface? Thanks for your partage in the comments box, below.
Vogue (French Edition) magazine subscription
L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream
Mille Bornes: the classic French auto race game.
French music: Georges Brassen's Les Amoureux des Bancs Publics
A Message from Kristi: Ongoing support from readers like you keeps me writing and publishing this free language journal each week. If you find joy or value in these stories and would like to keep this site going, donating today will help so much. Thank you for being a part of this community and helping me to maintain this site and its newsletter.
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety
Kristen, you aren't harvesting this years grapes yet, but you are bottling last years harvest, n'est pas? Sorry, somehow I got a little confused! We won't harvest here for another month. The grapes are looking beautiful though! We haven't bottled last years yet but we are expecting to soon.
I like to sit by the big window looking into the yard and dream about how it will look when I finally get it all planted!
Posted by: Lori | Thursday, September 04, 2008 at 07:49 PM
Sitting (semi-slouch)on the deck with the cat sleeping in the other chair. Looking at the garden and watching the standard poodles cavort in the yard. This is an even better experience if it is late in the afternoon and a glass of Rouge Bleu Dentelle is being sipped.
Posted by: martina | Friday, September 05, 2008 at 12:15 AM favourite place to sit out with 'une tasse du thé'is the jagged stone au coin de mon jardin desous les bamboos....with water creating music as it fills up the's like being in heaven every morning.
Posted by: mini | Friday, September 05, 2008 at 04:57 AM
Is a problem for me, for I’m not able to sit on one place for more then 5-10 minutes :-)
I need to move somewhere and do something.
It’s not that I am so active, but, perhaps, I don't find this time of sitting as interesting as doing something else.
In Prague, where I live, one of the most loved place for long-hours sitting for lots of local folks is a pub, 'hospoda' in Czech…
Posted by: George Rusky | Friday, September 05, 2008 at 09:19 PM
I like sitting in my record shop hearing new bands fot the first time, Last week I feel in love with the Ravenettes from Denmark.
Posted by: John Clements | Sunday, September 07, 2008 at 02:29 AM
My favorite place to sit is le banc sur la promenade des anglais. I love watching the sea. Being from the midwest I never tire of that. For those who prefer people watching, you can turn the other direction and watch les hommes qui sont en train de draguer les touristes! The regulars are there each day without fail. : )
Posted by: Michele | Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at 04:45 AM