Giens, France and the words mauvais perdant, fiston, allez, chiche!, poignée, tas, and deranger in French


A barrique of French flowers for you today... from the wine-making town of Rasteau.

barrique (ba-rheek) noun, feminine

    : barrel, cask (wine-making)

Three Tempting Reasons to join Cinéma Vérité today:

1.  15 feel-good photos of Giens, the peninsula & postcard village near Hyères
2.  a short, stinging, slice-of-life scene from this morning, here at the wine farm
3.  nudity*

* Then again, if you would rather watch a video on "How to Make a Wine Barrel," suit yourself (one follows, below). But if you would love--LOVE!--to see the movie trailer from the new film with Cécile de France--in French--then don't miss today's Cinéma Vérité edition! You will not regret being a member & recipient of this weekly photo jubilee. Trust me! You will also have access to all 12 photo galleries, a few language videos, two home movies, and more! Click here to sign up.

Cinéma Vérité members: please click on the link in the "Merci Beaucoup" message (sent to you after your sign-up) to view today's movie excerpt and photo gallery.

And now for that va-va-voom video on Wine Barrel Fabrication:

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety