Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Now that you know the ending to our lost dog story, we can slow down a bit -- and learn the middle part! (Click on the photo to enlarge... and please excuse the marchand de sable or "sandman" in Sam The Man's eyes, but you'll allow him the excuse of complete exhaustion, won't you?!)
crevé(e) (kruh-vay) adjective
: exhausted, dead beat
Audio File & Example Sentence
Download & listen to "creve" MP3
Les chiens, qui se sont échappés, sont complètement crevés.
The dogs, who had gotten away, are completely exhausted.
A Day in a French Life...
by Kristin Espinasse
(Note: To read Part One of this story go here).
At the commissariat de police along the Canebière, Jean-Marc and I step up to the comptoir.* I go to rest my arms on the counter-top... when I see gouttelettes* of blood on its surface. My hands drop to my sides and I look over to Jean-Marc, who is already pleading with les policiers*:
"S'il vous plaît... on a perdu deux chiens...."*
Three officers fix expressionless eyes on us. They must think we are crazy. Here we are, looking for a golden retriever in heat... when the person in line ahead of us had been injured. But weren't our own hearts bleeding? Could the officers see the injury inside of us?
They could. Earlier, at Stalingrad square, it was another officer, stationed in a fourgonnette,* who had suggested we stop into this, the Noailles, police station. I had run up to the police truck, after nervously crossing over tram tracks and traffic lanes, to ask whether anyone had reported a missing dog. Only, as the policeman leaned over to the truck's window, to hear me, a few more frantic citizens arrived. The man now standing behind me was drunk--and the woman standing beside him, angry. "Bon,* I will let you get back to work..." I said to the policemen, wondering whether, to the authorities, domestic anger might constitute a more pressing situation. That's when the officer shouted over my shoulder, to the man and the woman: "Would you two keep your voices down, please?!" Next, he pulled out a notepad.
"Were the dogs tattooed?"
"Yes!" I remembered with a sigh of relief.
"Were they wearing médailles*?"
"Yes... I mean, no! Both dogs recently lost their tags..."
"Have you called the SPA*?"
"Yes--but we got a recording!" I remembered my husband's cynical remark, after hanging up the phone: "Et, bien sûr, ça ne répond pas!"*
"Are the dogs méchants*?"
"No! No, no!" This was the third time that we were asked this question, which still took me by surprise. I had not realized that golden retrievers might pose a threat to anyone! Unless... out of desperation... or in response to what might feel like a threat... Oh, Seigneur!* What if a couple of kids found the dogs and tried to drag them inside, by their collars--when the hungry animals wanted to find their way home? My mind began to draw up disaster.
"Is there a number where we can reach you?" the policeman asked, putting a stop to my imaginings. After carefully noting down the information, the officer suggested we stop into the Noailles police station.
* * *
Back at Noailles, I stare at the droplets of blood on the counter, wondering where oh where is our dog--and is she in pain? I hear Jean-Marc's voice, and see that he is turning to leave. "Merci," he thanks the officers, who wish us bonne chance.*
On the corner of Canebière and Boulevard Garibaldi we see Jean-Noël, Sam's owner. He is standing alone, which answers a pressing question. Jean-Noël reports that he has spoken to his wife, Sabine. She confirms that no street accidents--involving dogs--have been reported. Oh, mon Dieu--it is only a matter of time!
"Chances are, the dogs are still roaming..." Jean-Noël says, on the bright side, and I am touched by his hopeful heart. My own heart sinks at the thought of Sabine and Jean-Noël losing their dog--all because of us! "Sam" their golden retriever of eight and a half years... is one of the reasons that travelers flock back to their charming B&B, where the golden host adds so much to the cozy atmosphere.
"I'll head north," Jean-Noël tells us.
"Okay," Jean-Marc says, "We'll head west."
I try not to think about how the dogs may be heading east, or south--advancing in the opposite direction. The situation is hopeless and the dogs--helpless! It is the helplessness and the innocence of the animals that torture us the most. How to explain the nauseating sentiment? It feels as if my own five-year-old child--and his little sister!--had wandered onto a freeway! I can almost hear the cars screeching to a halt, as the "toddlers" toddle across seven lanes of traffic. God help them!
I do my best to keep my thoughts tied up, for fear I'll let loose the wrath of WHY: Why did we bring Braise to Marseilles?! Why didn't we have her spayed?! Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! Maybe if I displace the heavy blame from my heart that is being crushed... I will find relief?
The wrath of WHY continues: Why did we choose this weekend to come to Marseilles! Why did I let my family talk me into getting this dog? I knew she would break our hearts one day... one day....
One. Day. One. One... Focus your mind! One. Love... Love is all. Be loving. There is no use pointing fingers. What we are to do is to love each other through this pain. I reach over to put my hand on Jean-Marc's back, which is wet through his T-shirt with worry. He is weaving in and out of traffic, looking left, to my looking right--our eyes endlessly scouring the crowded boulevards and side streets of Marseilles. I look under the parked cars, up the stairs to the church.... inside the open garages. They could be anywhere--anywhere at all.
* * *
Fast forward. It is 2:30 a.m. the next morning....
"Let's do another tour around the neighborhood." Jean-Marc says. The tears in my throat wet my vocal chords so that I do not recognize my own voice. It is a low, slow, slur that comes out: I do not know how to tell Jean-Marc that I want to go to sleep now. I feel too guilty to admit to this. How can one ever stop looking for a lost love?
"I think that's enough for tonight," I say.
"You don't want to do one more circle around the block?" my husband asks, point blank.
"I don't know. I can't make a decision! I want you to decide."
"Ne me mets pas dans une situation embarrassante!" Jean-Marc's words strike back.
"But, I--"
"Ne me mets pas dans une situation embarrassante!"
I am stunned by his unexpected reaction, until I begin to try to translate the French: "Do not put me in an uncomfortable position." It is then that I feel compassion instead of defensiveness. It wasn't fair to ask him to end the search.
And so I end it.
"Let's go in now." And we do, but not before unlocking anxious eyes from the sidewalks, the alleyways, the parks, the gardens and the squares. Oh, Braise--Sam!--are you somewhere out there? Goodnight.
Inside our rented room I ask one last question. "Veux-tu me prendre dans tes bras?"* And I hope my husband's arms will strangle the worry inside of me, in time for us to fall to sleep.
Read the final chapter of this story.
Note: this story continues on Friday. Comments
~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~
Would some of you like to help translate these terms in the comments box? Merci beaucoup!
s'il vous plâit... on a perdu deux chiens....
Et, bien sûr, ça ne répond pas!
oh, Seigneur!
bonne chance
Veux-tu me prendre dans tes bras?
May she never fly off by the wings of her ears (see how they're ready to go!) again!
In books: The Rose Cafe: Love and War in Corsica
Starred Review by Publishers Weekly. Avoiding military service in Vietnam, American author
Mitchell spent six months working in the kitchen of the Rose Café on
the French Mediterranean island of Corsica, a season of which he
recollects in this powerful memoir.
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety
Please get Braise spayed. You now know the obvious reasons. To add to those - I lost a dog once to uterine cancer - it would not have happened had she been spayed.
Ne tardez pas -
Posted by: Claudette | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 01:18 PM
Im glad to hear you've found the dogs, and I'll be waiting for the end of the story!
Here are some translations:
comptoir - counter (or countertop)
policier - police officer
s'il vous plâit... on a perdu deux chiens.... - Please... we've lost two dogs
bon chance - good luck
Posted by: Rowena | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 01:30 PM
Yikes, the drama...the suspense.
But I shall look forward to Friday, since I know the errant pair have a happy end:)
Posted by: Debbie | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 01:33 PM
comptoir is counter; gouttelette is droplet; policier is policeman; fourgonnette is a small van; médaille is a tag; méchant is vicious; SPA means Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; S'il vous plaît....on a perdu deux chiens... means please...we have lost two dogs.; Veut-tu me prendre dans tes bras? Do you wish to take me in your arms?; Et, bien sür, ça ne réponds pas. Of course, it does not answer.; bon is good; oh Seigneur! means oh, my lord!; bon chance means good luck.
Posted by: renee lerner | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 01:38 PM
Fantastic, now you really can rest. I hope after all that drama, the love struck canines become parents.
Having previously lost a pet, who never returned, I commiserate with your worry and rejoice in your relief.
Posted by: Shauneen | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 01:40 PM
I just love the honesty in your words.
Posted by: Monique | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 01:59 PM
This is getting a bit melodramatic, no? Do you really need to drag this story out an entire week?
Posted by: Michael | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 02:05 PM
Your story resonates with me and I am sure others who have lost a beloved pet. You spoke of the feeling of lost children which is beyond compare, but our pets run a close second in the intensity of relationship we feel for them. It is all about love, indeed. I appreciate how the policier was willing to listen and take the information. That wouldn't happen here. We would be dismissed, probably told to call Animal Control.
"Veux-tu me prendre dans tes bras?" These are the words that tug at my heart...which I think translate, Do you want to hold me in your arms? Amid the confusion and pain and anxiety of the moment, you found the connection that sustains all of life, the "moi et toi" at the heart of the heart and the root of the root of everything else.
Mille mercis for all. Yea, Braise--tourjours d'amour!
Posted by: Pat Cargill | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 02:09 PM
Hi Kristin
Encouraged by what you are doing, I started a word a day too :-). Of course its nothing like yours, me living in a entirely non French speaking continent, and a less adventurous life. Please take a look and let me know you comments :-)
Posted by: Devika | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 02:29 PM
Is there really a Stalingrad square in Marseilles?!? Hard to believe the name wasn't changed to something more pleasant.
Dogs have a reserved seat in our lives!
Posted by: Marika Ujvari | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 02:40 PM
policier - police
s'il vous plâit... on a perdu deux chiens.... - Please, we have lost two dogs
bon - good
méchant - nasty
oh, Seigneur! - oh, Sir!
bon chance - good luck
Veux-tu me prendre dans tes bras? - Do you want me to give you a hug?
Posted by: Lori Milbier | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 02:47 PM
Anxiously awaiting the end of the story of Braise & Sam. Fortunatley, I know it's a happy ending! I DO agree with Claudette however, your beloved Braise should be spayed--maybe one litter of little Braises, and then, as Claudette said, "Ne tardez pas."
Posted by: Nancy L. | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:07 PM
Hi Kristi,
Regarding photo #2 - Sam looks a little old for Braise, this could be his "Last Tango" with the young and blond and very beautiful Braise. I am sure Sam is going to demand one of his son's for companionship in his old age. Then we can all visit them at the Bed and Breakfast. Please post that address again I want to stay there next time I visit, when I get tired of YOU bossing me around. I want to reserve at least 5 days for re-exploring my very favorite city MARSEILLES. I lived there in a darling guest house for a month (close to VIEW-PORT when Kristi and JM were married = I come back on-line later, have to have coffee with my beautiful husband and watch the jungle moonsoon right now.
Posted by: Jules Greer | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:15 PM
Je suis très très heureux pour vous tous, Kristin. Gros bisous pour les chiens.
Posted by: Cindy | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:21 PM
I love your story, Kristin. Life in Provence can't be just a field of lavender every day. You are not 'dragging this story out'. Real life is full of ups and downs, and your writing is growing through your experience. Bravo for sharing this personal and intimate story with us. Tell it like it needs to be told. We are with you.
Posted by: Carmen Clarke | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:26 PM
Looking forward for the happy ending.
Posted by: Andrea | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:28 PM
You recount stories with such emotion, Kristin!! I love reading about your adventures! I am so relieved that Braise is back!! :)
Posted by: Shannon, Alexandria, VA | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:30 PM
I am astonished when I read a "mechant" post on this site. It simply makes no sense. Glad to know Braise is safe and I can't wait to read the rest of your story on Friday...and the next day...and the next day...however long it ends up being!
Posted by: Alli | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:31 PM
Hey Kristi...maybe you should start writing mystery novels! I'm hanging on the edge of my seat even though I know the outcome :-) Everyone knows that a juicy story can only be told in installments. It heightens the tension, allows for more detail and gets the reader more involved. Remain true to yourself and never let others influence or deter you from your art!
Posted by: Sandy Maberly | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:32 PM
Thank God you have your pup back! Good News! I've been worried all week for you and Braise and Sam.
Looking forward to the tale!
Posted by: Holly | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:40 PM
Thank you for this beautiful story about your dog. I'm so glad that both Braise and Sam returned safe and sound. I could feel you an your husband's misery when you were searching for your dog. I eagerly await the end of the story.
All's well that ends well.
Posted by: VeeCee | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:59 PM
Posted by: GILLIAN | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 04:14 PM
I hope Friday is the conclusion, don't drag the story out over a week please. You description of your emotions is very palpable.
I bet Braise is expecting and pups will arrive in a couple of months! The others are right to suggest spaying in the future. Not only to control pet overpopulation, it will prevent some health problems too. All of our pets have been spayed/neutered, it saves lots of worry.
Posted by: martina | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 04:19 PM
So happy & can't wait to read more. I LOVE the installments!
I'm chuckling at the vision of these exhausted canine lovers. It's as if they are saying to each other: "Not tonight dear, we've had enough excitement.". Meanwhile, the rest of the household clings tightly to each other with relief. L'amour.
Posted by: karen | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 04:26 PM
Glad to hear the story ends well for all!
When I was a child, growing up in New Jersey, we had 2 young dachshunds, Weiner and Fritz. Fritz came to us from a unhappy home and loved to roam. He would managed to get out and take Weiner along for the road. We often ended up giving small boys cash rewards or thanking old ladies for finding our two bad boys. Nearby town's police stations got to know us too. We finally had to find a farm in the country for free-spirited Fritz where he was able to roam to his heart's content.
Edie Schmidt
Posted by: Edith Schmidt | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 04:26 PM
Thanks for letting me feel your pain! Am so glad to know both dogs are safe. Can't wait to hear a future story on the birth of puppies!!! Your pictures are beautiful and I look forward to the rest of the story. Gail
Posted by: Gail | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 04:28 PM
Folks, take it easy on Kristin -- we all knew the minute the "Perdu" column was posted, that she and Jean-Marc were torturing themselves further with all the "what-ifs" and "if-onlys" that their minds could create, and wagging your finger and saying you told them so at this point does nothing.
Kristin et famille, I'm sorry you went through it, and I'm thrilled that they've returned -- even more so that they're mostly unharmed.
Posted by: Sunny | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 05:00 PM
Again, the memories flood as I recall our own similar plight. It does help to let everyone possible know about a lost pet. Fortunately when we arrived home there was a call waiting for us. He had been found! We didn't have to go to sleep that night with the fear and worry you did. My heart aches just reading of your torment. Even though I know how the story ends, I still found myself in tears reading this second part.
Posted by: Sharon | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 05:09 PM
Wonderful wonderful wonderful! Could there be better news? I am so happy for your family reunion. The expression on Braises face in the photo of her with Jackie is great. She looks totally 'blissed out'and happy and so too must all of you be to have her safely home.
If only Braise could talk I wonder what story she would tell of her adventure.....Can't wait to see the pups...
I agree with Sunny no finger wagging.
I feel fortunate that Kristin opens her life and shares with us not only her creativity, a beautiful writing style and the incredible photos on Cinema Verite each week. She includes us in the ups and downs of a real life.... Merci Kristin.
Lots of love to all of you.
Posted by: Claudia | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 05:51 PM
Thank God you found them! I was thinking about you guys and knowing all too well what that's like. Can't wait for the follow-up story!
Posted by: Cate Salenger | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 06:12 PM
Dear Kristin,
Thank you for sending us the good news yesterday. So delighted. Sam and Braise look adorable. I think they love each other. My husband and I are always thinking about radio-labeling our cats but it is not done. We would need a strong receiver to track them. I worry everyday.
Love to your family and happy Wednesday!
Posted by: Mona | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 06:19 PM
fourgeonnette: small van (not sure whether this term applies to a passenger-vehicle-based van (Renault Kangoo, etc) or a larger vam (Ford Transit, Mercedes Sprinter, Toyota HiAce), including a minivan).
Posted by: Simon Mackay | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 06:21 PM
As always, I can't wait for your next posting...knowing that ultimately the dogs are okay makes the anticipation bearable!
Here's my list of translations:
comptoir: counter (as in a store)
gouttelet: droplets
policier: Policeman
s'il vous plâit... on a perdu deux chiens: please...we've lost two dogs
fourgonnette: small van
bon: good or "alright then" in this instance
médaille: medallion/tag
SPA: societé protectrice des animaux (animal humane society)
Et, bien sûr, ça ne répond pas!: And of course they're not answering!
méchant: vicious/aggressive
oh, Seigneur!: oh, Lord!
bon chance: good luck
Veux-tu me prendre dans tes bras?: Do you want to hold me?
Posted by: Michaela | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 06:45 PM
Hi Honey,
Kristi, I think this is one of your best stories. I am amazed at how many words and phrases you incorporated into this story, what a wonderful teaching tool - I for one will treasure this story, I can just see myself retelling this story to all of my friends and using all of my new words. I know you have NEVER thought of yourself as a teacher, but today's story has proved to me that you could get a job at any university teaching French. Perhaps a guest
position at the Sorbone (sp) next summer for all of us to dream of attending. Forget all of this - just write a new book for us to savor and display on our coffee table.
Posted by: Jules Greer | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 07:05 PM
I am in agreement that you should write a book, this is a great story that I have looked forward to reading each day. I love happy endings!
Posted by: Wendy | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 07:18 PM
Hi Honey,
Somehow I have locked myself out of my gmail account so we can't email. Why don't
you call me -
Posted by: Jules Greer | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 07:27 PM
Mom is right. I just ordered your book and it arrived. I love it!
Mille Mercis!
Posted by: Mona | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 07:35 PM
Now knowing the ending is happy, I can't help but hum that wonderful melody from "Lady and the Tramp" : "Bella Notte"
Posted by: Diane | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 07:55 PM
Braise est revenue--Dieu soit loué!
(Now that Braise is safely back home, I would suggest that you may have meant to write "Bonne chance," since "chance" is feminine.)
Posted by: dkahane | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 08:02 PM
Hi, Kristin--Thank you soooo much for not making us wait any longer to learn of the happy ending! Now I can calmly wait for the details. Today's vocab has good luck included (bon chance). Shouldn't it be "bonne chance?" Just wondering....
Mary C.
Posted by: Mary Christopher | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 08:04 PM
Oh no, Kristin, we have to wait that long; now I am going to be up all night. I know it is the worst feeling. I shall send good cheer your way and hope for a good turnout. Most people in France love dogs, especially GR as they are so sweet. They will be taken care of.
A bientot
Posted by: Nicole Marcus | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 08:08 PM
They look quite plum tuckered out in that photo.. What have they been up to?!
One of our goldens was ALWAYS running away. It didn't matter quite so much because we lived in a very wooded area, so there was less risk of cars...
I remember when we lived in South America, when we walked our dog, he was always pulling on his leash. People were afraid and would ask me "El es bravo?" which I thought to mean brave, so I said yes. Turns out it means agressive/Dangerous. No wonder they crossed to the other side of the road, far away from the dangerous golden retrievor!
Posted by: Megan | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 08:09 PM
Heaving a sigh of relief that Braise and Sam are safely home with their loving families.
"Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
~ Anatole France ~
D'Neal in Keizer, Oregon, USA
(hugging my two Bichon Frisé girls in celebration) :-)
Posted by: D'Neal | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 09:16 PM
I had tears in my eyes when I saw the picture and knew you had found her. God bless you all.
Posted by: Joyce Hawkins | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 09:38 PM
Still on the m/f vocabulary issue: Isn't the word for droplets, "gouttelettes (f. pl.)" (rather than "gouttelets (m. pl.))"?
Posted by: dkahane | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 10:02 PM
Mom is right. I just ordered your book and it arrived. I love it!
Mille Mercis!
Posted by: Andrea | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Wow! What a perfect time to pick up my old friend, French-Word-a-Day, after 2 semesters of intense teaching! I am (happily) stunned at how much I missed you and your fab writing! I see my Fifi in Blaise's eyes! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story, and I don't care if it runs over to next week! So happy all is well again! (Oh, and yes, it's BONNE chance and goutelettes.)
Posted by: Donna | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12:02 AM
Ok, I have two cents in my hot little hand so....
Sans aucun doute, il y a plus de personnes avec amour à leurs coeurs que ceux qui portent des roches à leurs coeurs.
hey, i just made that up. Know my french is dreadful, but I am tres inspired by the outpouring of concern and caring and just pure ole' love, yeah Baby!, here to mutter the above. Hope I get my point across.
Tourjours, votre amie,
Posted by: Pat Cargill | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 02:02 AM
I am so happy the story ends well, and liking that it is not told all at once - but little by little. The earlier escapades by Braise made me laugh, the running away in Marseilles made me worry, and now waiting to know the full tale makes me wonder. Tomorrow we'll know?
Posted by: Esther | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 03:22 AM
Diane - thanks for Disney link - just watched L & T "Bella Notte" - I am a total sap for this stuff. Love it! Takes me way back.
Posted by: Pat Cargill | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 05:44 AM
I love the pictures of the beautiful couple. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!!
Posted by: Kirsten | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 06:44 AM
Yes! Miracles DO happen!
Kristin, I;m so happy for you, Jean-Marc and la famille.
Welcome home, Braise! And what are you smirking about.....??
Posted by: Andrea A. | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 07:58 AM
After 9 dogs and my five children during 20 years of marriage, dog stories never get old. That's why most of us loved the book and movie "Marley and Me". Kristin, you now have a french "Marley and Me" version. Continue to share with us....mille merci
Posted by: Leslie in WA, in view of the Olympic Mountains | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 04:13 PM
I'm curious what the word "crevé" means literally. Is crever a verb? I love following etymological paths like this. :)
Posted by: matthew michael | Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 07:49 PM
Don't pay any attention to someone who says you've dragged this story out too long. As the posted comments attest, the great majority of your friends/readers can't get enough of this sweet story. And the photos are extraordinary! You've made my day once again!
Kitty in Seattle
Posted by: Kitty | Friday, June 19, 2009 at 05:18 PM