Monday, November 16, 2009
Ever dream you could fly or jump from sky to sky? Photo taken in Morocco: enjoy more pictures!
un rêve (rev) noun, masculine
: dream
tu peux rêver! = Dream on!
rêvé(e) = ideal, perfect
un rêve qui devient réalité = a dream come true you know of other expressions? Thanks for sharing them with us, here.
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Y a-t-il une différence entre "un rêve" et "un songe"? Partagez vos réponses, ici.
Is there a difference between "un rêve" and "un songe"? Share your answer, here.
A Day in a French Life...
by Kristin Espinasse
In the past week I have picked up a new bedtime habit: the imbibing of copious amounts of cocoa. So much chocolate do I measure into my steamed milk, that by the time I drink to the bottom of the cup, the rest must be spooned up!
I wonder whether it is the chocolat chaud* that is giving me such vivid rêves?* ...Dreams in which I am forever walking, chasing or being chased by things.
Being a rêveuse,* nighttime is my favorite part of the day.
"This is my favorite time of day!" I say to my daughter, as we tuck ourselves into bed, first she, then, further down the hall, I.
I just can't wait to see what the mind has stirred up for the big screen that is my dreams. Across green pastures and through busy souks, I am at once peaceful or terribly spooked.
"Where did you come up with that?" I often ask the director behind the dreams.
"Ah," says she, "'tis but a remix of the day's happenings."
Do you remember what you dreamed about last night? Did you dream in French or English, in color or in black and white? Comment, here.
French Vocabulary
le chocolat chaud (m) = hot chocolate; un rêve (m) = dream; une rêveuse (un rêveur) = dreamer
Les Oeufs Verts au Jambon: The French Edition of Green Eggs and Ham
SmartFrench Audio CDs Intermediate/Advanced
French Demystified...simple enough for a beginner but challenging enough for a more advanced student.
I took this photo on Saturday morning, on the way home from the (second) veterinarian's where I got more antibiotics for Smokey... and more conflicting advice. The wound beneath his eye has gone down, but the wound beneath his "chin" is still full. Will be heading back to the vet's again soon... to think about Kathy's advice (from the comments box) to:
...ask the vet whether he/she can sedate the pup and 'debride' (dee-BREED) the wounds thoroughly. This means an aggressive cleaning of the infection and removing any dead tissue as a result of the infection...
Re comments and emails: I am reading each and every one and regret not being able to answer personally, at this time. I enjoy and appreciate every note you send! Thank you!
See his wounds on the left, beneath the eye -- and on the bumpy right, above the mouth.
Still, he is full of beans, our Smokey (here, pretending to be a donkey). As for that bone, Smokey says: "And me? And ME?"
Update on the clay treatment: the vet said this is fine -- but to keep the clay off the sore's opening. I'm finding it tricky, now, to apply the clay and spare the open "plaie"! So I have abandoned clay for the moment and am keeping the wounds clean. .. though one of the wounds has a very small opening (with a big pulpy area beneath it!) The vet questions whether the wounds were closed (remember those staples?) too soon (taking with them some fur and other debris...). This is why Kathy's "debreeding" advice, above, makes a lot of sense to me.
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety
I used to dream in French while studying the language. As I mentioned on Twitter, Mom's passing has put a bigger load on my plate, as she planned it would. I dreamed of staggering exhausted through house high mounds of stuff. Instead of flowers, which I love, I need shovels and trash bags. I cannot thank my daughters, Kerry, Colleen and Courtney enough for the help & support they gave me this weekend. They make a mother proud. Fortunately for them, they have flown back home.
Posted by: Betty Gleason | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 12:59 PM
Please don't stop putting photos of Smokey up - the first thing I do every time I get your email is scroll through quickly looking to see how he is today - so glad he's making such good progress - lots of strokes and hugs from the Limousin where we have warm rain and 18C today.
Posted by: Sandie | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 01:27 PM
Kristin, your photograph this morning is all about "line." When I studied The Elements of Design a few years ago, I discovered that line was my "thing." The cards I design all start with quick line drawings with no plan, sometimes swirly, sometimes geometric-- which allows all sorts of ideas to come forth...somewhat live un reve. I seem to work better not knowing exactly where I am going- in art, and often otherwise!
Beaucoups loving wishes to Smokey...heal baby, heal. Your Fan Club KNOWS where you are going and that is to be well! xoxo
Posted by: Pat Cargill | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 01:29 PM
p.s. Ce matin: blue skies and cool in southwest Virginia.
Posted by: Pat Cargill | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 01:31 PM
Chère Betty: sending heartfelt condoleances to you and your daughters -- and many, many virtual flowers, including the ones in the white field shown in today's photo.
Sandie: glad to get your note (... after receiving a few complaints about the "dog photos" :-)
Pat: I can relate to your working better without a plan. Today I set out to write a story about my brother-in-law and a stranger in the Moroccan market -- and, instead, followed my pen (or keyboard), which has a mind of its own!
Enjoy those blue skies SW Virginia!
Posted by: Kristin | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 01:43 PM
I, like many of your readers, think of little Smokey's progress, even when we are not visiting your site. Please do keep his updated photos and info. coming!
And regarding your photography....each one seems to be more poetic and impressive than the last! Kudos to you and artistic eye : )
Posted by: elaine mccartney | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 02:09 PM
I dream about being chased, too. Wonder what it means, Kristen! I hope you don't scream out in your sleep like I do. Wakes my husband up, to be sure. Will pray for Smokey. Not sure I ever prayed for a puppy before, but God wants us to turn everything over to him. And Kristen, you are a fabulous photographer!
Lilburn GA
Posted by: Debra Houston | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 02:18 PM
Although, I've been out of school for nearly 40 years, I still have dreams about my classes. My worst dream was: I know there is an exam coming up, I can't find the syllabus, I don't know where the class is held (I haven't been to class yet), and I don't know anybody in the class ('cause I haven't been to class yet). My most recent dream about classes was last week. The (dream) exam was in Math (my major) given by a religion professor. The first question was a fairly easy math problem, the rest of the exam was all word definitions, none of which I recognized. I think these dreams are the result of guilt for not taking my studies more seriously (especially French).
It's good to see Smokey bouncing about, but I agree with Kathy's advice to get the dead tissue removed.
Clear, heading to 50 in St. Paul. It's hard to believe this is November in Minnesota.
Posted by: Bill in St. Paul | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 02:35 PM
Hmmm! Hot chocolate! Love the way you drink yours.
Yes, I do dream, too much perhaps, and remember, too much perhaps. I do have a busy soul.
The silly ones are related to consuming too much pizza at night, gangsters and all in my dream.
Others now are mostly in color although I have had B&W, sometimes keys other times they are only puzzles. Sometimes I tell them to go away ...too complex. But what a lovely thought to tuck oneself into bed with a lovely dream.
Love and peace,
PS- how is Smokey doing?
It is beautiful and cool (now in the 50s at 5 a.m.) in Pasadena, CA.
Posted by: Mona | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 02:45 PM
The older you get the wilder your dreams become. I can't even begin to relate to you
my dreams, they are in color and are just
like watching a high-def movie. Lately I have been dreaming alot about my first husband (that should get me in alot of trouble if his wife is reading this)- I always wonder when I dream of someone if they dream about me.
Always in my dreams near the end I am searching for a bathroom...I have finally realized that my dreams are telling me I am full of $#!& - so now I don't place alot of
concern on my dreams - but I do when I have a vision. I have had three visions in my life and I can feel them as clearly today as I did then (one is 30 years old.)
Posted by: Jules Greer | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 02:59 PM
Bill, I can relate wholeheartedly to your anxiety dreams over missed classes and forgotten exams -- mine come from law school. But, Kristin, really the most anxiety-filled dreams that my pea-brain conjurs while i slumber is when I discover a child in my home - MY CHILD, but one, amongst my other four, to whom I don't remember giving birth. What guilt and remorse I feel throughout the dream as I grieve over wondering how the child survived without my knowing of him or her, without feedings or diaper-changes, although the little one is always perfectly healthy and happy. (SIGH) See . . . a mother's guilt is never far from hand, or mind :-)
Good dog Smokey!
Posted by: Diane Scott | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 03:02 PM
Does anyone else have dreams where they are someone else? I know it's me, but it doesn't look like me and sometimes in my dream I realize it isn't really me. Dreams!! They are so strange. I have a friend whose dreams are prophetic. hmmmm. I think mine are just a form of creativity and imagination. Merci, Kristin, for your lovely perspective on life - with your words and with your lense. I sooo look forward to my morning ritual of "tea with Kristin". And, PLEASE, keep those photos of Smokey and Blaise coming!
A cool, crisp, frosty morning in SW Kansas. I'm ready for lots and lots of snow!! (remember I'm a displaced Colorado girl!)
Posted by: Candy Witt | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 03:08 PM
Sorry, I don't recall any dreams last night, although being chased is an occasional theme. My thoughts right now are about Smokey. Have you considered taking him to a different vet? You shouldn't have to be the one suggesting a course of treatment. And not putting the clay on the opening of the wound totally defeats the purpose -- that's where it needs to be to do it's work.
Here in Oregon we're expecting a wind storm moving in from the ocean with coastal wind gust up to 90 mph expected this evening. Here in Damascus it's currently 46 degrees.
Posted by: Jeanne Robinson | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM
I'm betting it is the caffeine in le chocolat chaud that is aiding your reves.
When I flew over my handlebars and landed face first in gravel, the folks at the ER numbed by face and then debrided it with a kitchen scrub brush. I recovered rather quickly.
Posted by: gary | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 03:46 PM
Ah yes, I agree with Jeanne. The clay needs to be on the wound to draw out the poison but I imagine you've had enough advise already to fill volumes :-)
I always have vivid dreams when I eat a big meal late in the evening and then go to bed soon after. Can't remember my dreams last night... but we did have a lovely meal of lamb chops, roast tatties and veg..mmmm
Rather cool morn, 39F with 50% chance of rain/snow this evening in Tulsa, chocolate sounds good right now.......
Posted by: Sandy Maberly | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 03:49 PM
Debriding the wound for Smokey makes a lot of sense. This is the typical treatment for diabetics when they have wounds that will not heal (or, as happens with diabetics, the wound will close up but fester and continue to be infected under the skin.) My sister was a diabetic for many years and frequently this was the only way to keep her from being fatally infected from even the smallest cut or burn. I would see if the vet will go for it, but I would suggest that you make sure he has a good amount of experience in this kind of procedure.
As for the dreams...of course you are working out and reliving your little Smoky's experience! He was chased down and didn't get away in are reliving it for him so that it will work out this time! BTW, my mother always felt that there were certain foods that when eaten before bed, lead to dreams or, in some cases, nightmares. Peanut butter before bed was always a 'no-no' unless I wanted vivd nightmares!
Best of Luck with Smokey!
xoNancy L.
Posted by: Nancy L. | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:09 PM
The first meaning of "songer" is "to dream" as verb intransitive. In the form of verb transitive it means to reflect or consider that: (imaginer) - to imagine that; songe que - remember that. I'm such a word smith I had to look "songe" up in my Webster's New World French dictionary which I bought when I was studying French at the Foreign Service Institute before being posting to our embassy in Bangui, Central African Republique (Republique Cent Afrique)! XXOO, Sharette, Apex, NC where it is bright and sunny and the mist rising off the small lake behind my townhome.
Posted by: Sharon O'Neal | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:19 PM
Do you have the same sort of dreams when you don't drink le chocolat chaud??? I have wild dreams sometimes following anything caffeinated too.
About Smokey......cats and dogs heal differently from humans in that their skin heals faster than ours and thus a lot of "debris" is trapped under the skin with no way to get out and this is what causes the infections they get. The idea of a good debridment to remove all that debris makes sense - and maybe using a bit of sterile gauze or something in the incision to keep the skin from closing so fast (the vet. should know how to do that). What you are aiming for is for the wound to heal from the inside that the skin seals last.......Ask the vet how to best accomplish this.......we had to do this often with our cat and it always worked!. Best wished to you all......Barb
Posted by: Barb Mimtchell | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:21 PM
I wish you could send Smokey here to Texas where the Texas A & M Vets can do wonders. My prayers are with him.
No dream for me last night. A cool weather night after a week of relative warmth had me out like a light for 7 hours.
Habituellement, je rêve en couleurs.
Posted by: Betty Bailey | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:29 PM
Interesting comments Barb left on how cats and dogs heal differently than we do. Still, my sister had to have several severe wounds debrided and that was the only way (the doctor said) to help the wound heal. Another relative has had to have a small medical vacumn attached to his big post surgery wounds, and the vacumn stays on for weeks at a time and sucks out the infection to help the wound heal. I imagine that would be completely impractical for Smokey the active puppy though (if they even use medical vacumns for dog wounds). Monica
Posted by: Monica | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:34 PM
Comment dit-on "day dream" en francais?
Posted by: Vicki | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:34 PM
Debriding is probably what an American veterinarian would do. It will clean up the site and remove any junk and dead stuff that is impairing the healing. Even with booboos Smokey is adorable Please keep posting photos and updates on him.
Heavy rain, lots of wind and 52 degrees in Seattle.
Posted by: martina | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:37 PM
Hi Kristi! Glad to hear Smokey continues to improve. How are the little girls doing in their new forever homes?? Have you heard?
Also re: debridement, they also use a type of maggot to clean a wound of old cells, etc. they only eat bad stuff and drop out when done. No anesthesia required! (I've heard they tickle!!)Might this be a suggestion for your vet? Take care!
Posted by: Jacqui McCargar | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:40 PM
BTW< the weather here today is currently 31 degrees and fog advisory. Should clear up and be a crisp,cool Autumn day...highs in the upper 60's...from Northern California.
Posted by: Jacqui McCargar | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:45 PM
Perhaps you are challening Viane.
Posted by: Sophia | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 04:55 PM
Oh how I feel for poor smokey. When our bridgette lost her leg and was subsequently burned I did hydrotherpy on her wounds every day-debriding (de bride) to remove infection and dead tissue. She is a happy and healthy girl today albeit with 3 legs. After my 5 year stint as a vet assistant here in canada I don't understand the clay but water therapy and keeping it clean will eventually work. Take care and keep those pics coming.
Posted by: tammy | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:07 PM
To daydream is rêvasser. The noun daydream in French is rêverie. It's a beautiful sunny and mild day (almost 60 F) in eastern Massachusetts. Lots of the trees still have yellow leaves, so there's a golden light. A perfect day for a daydream.
Posted by: Leslie in Massachusetts | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:12 PM
I hope Smokey gets well soon. What a process! I dream in English, wish I could dream in French and then maybe I could speak it better... It is cold but clear here in Denver Colorado. It snowed yesterday and this morning was on -18 celcius or 0 degrees f. at my house...burr...I do miss the Arizona winters. I grew up in Peoria, Az. but don't miss the summers :)
Posted by: Katie | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:13 PM
I often have the same type of frustrating school dreams that Bill from St. Paul has. I dream that I don't know where the class is being held and I spend so much time searching the campus that I miss it or else I realize I've been forgetting to attend the last class I need to complete my degree. Sometimes I can't find my schedule and I don't know what class I should be in. I haven't been in school for many years so its a mystery to me as to why I dream about it.
Bedtime is also my favorite time of day. I am so busy all day long and I always feel so guilty about slacking off that when bedtime arrives its a guilt free break for me! I dream every night and sometimes its like I'm living a totally different life when I'm sleeping. My dreams of flying are my favorite.
Its 60 F and sunny in Rhode Island. I hope Smokey's health problems will soon be history so he can concentrate on the serious business of puppy-life. Michelle C.
Posted by: Michelle Charette | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:33 PM
"Rever" always means "to dream." I always thought that "songer" could be a dream, OR a daydream, or even sort of a plan/hope. "Je songe a aller en France" could be that I am hoping/thinking about going there - is that correct?
I always dream in color. I have dreamed in the three foreign languages I know, more in French than German or Russian.
Some dreams clearly incorporate things that have happened to me, either events or such things as TV/movies.
Usually I am myself. A couple of times I have been someone else, or in a different family. Once I was a boy. I don't know what brought about me-not-being-me.
Once I had a perfectly normal dream, but at the end, instead of walking around it, I jumped clear across the swimming pool! Maybe subconsciously I was hoping to "leap" forward in skill or something.
The strangest dream ever was when I was a cat, A man picked me up and told a friend that I was a special breed that could swim.
I used to remember dreams much better than I do now. I often don't get enough sleep, so maybe I'm moving faster to the "delta" stage, rather than remaining in the "REM" (rapid eye movement) phase where dreaming occurs.
So far, I haven't found that any particular food lends itself to dreaming.
It's a sunny, breezy, pretty day today, with the high expected to be about 60.
Posted by: Marianne Rankin | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:49 PM
I have extremely vivid dreams. I'm like you. I can't wait to go to bed to see what movie is running tonight! For the most part I can remember them but if I don't recall them the moment I wake up then I loose them. I LOVE dreams where I'm falling in love or where there are puppies and kittens running all oI often wonder where those thought come from.ver the place!! But I've had dreams where I've woken up crying. When I was a little girl I walked and talked in my sleep. My mother was always chasing after me in the middle of the night!! I once got up and got completely dressed for school then walked out the front door and out into the street! It freaked my mom out! My mother gave me a "Dream Dictionary" years ago I sometimes reference but it's pretty vague. I looked up CHASE: "No luxury, but a comfortable old age through your own efforts is forecast in a dream where you participated in, or observed, a chase." In other dictionaries it means your trying to avoid something. I think it depends on who or what is chasing you or who or what YOU are chasing. Whatever it means...I think you already live a life of luxury :)
Posted by: Terri Von Doran | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:50 PM
My Dear Kristin: First about Smokey - yes, I think a debridement IS probably necessary, especially for the wound beneath the chin. I know the idea of it is unpleasant for him, but it is probably worth considering. I would also suggest that you begin giving him some probiotics (since he is taking so many antibiotics.) The probiotics will restore the good flora in his gut and help him grow stronger. You would give the probiotics at least 2-4 hours apart from the antibiotics (so that the latter would not "kill off" the probiotics.)
Michael I. & Suzanne P.
Posted by: Michael Irby | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 05:54 PM
No dreams last night.....debriding might be a good idea....still has the second vet cultured the wound to see what type of bacteria it is...initially one wouldn't, but since the antibiotics do not seem to have worked. more tummy rubs from me to Smokey.
Joie Lynn....Carmel,CA....sunny and cold.
Posted by: joie carmel,ca | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 06:22 PM
Hi Kristin. PLEASE don't stop updating us about Smokey's progress (and posting the "dog photos")! It's literally the first thing that I look for when I open your page. Bisous to Smokey, Braise and your entire family. :) Amy in Dallas.
Posted by: Amy | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 06:33 PM
When I think of the word reve,I think of Faure's beautiful song "Apres un Reve". Does anyone know it? Iam following Smokey's progress too, with concern for him. I wonder if Braize and Smokey have a nice dog bed. We just bought one that is a giant pillow(42"wide,or 106.7cm). Our dog loves itWe got it in Costco. I would send one to you ,but the shipping seems daunting.
Marlene..Temecula,Ca.It's a beautiful Fall day here, in the upper 60's.
Posted by: Marlene | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 07:58 PM
Hi Kristin: Creative people creatively dream. Why do you drink hot chocolate before you plan to sleep? You can also incubate a dream by phrasing a question to which you want an answer. (I wrote a newsletter on it at just look at the psychic newsletter section.
Your emails are so good. Love the pictures. You're a talent!
...xoxo...Lorrie (in Redondo Beach)
Posted by: Lorrie | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 08:46 PM
Bonjour Kristin:
I often dream that I cannot find my car after I come back from an event. The car seems to have disappeared. I have never been able to figure out why I continue to have this same dream.
I think about Smokey every day and am watching his progress carefull. Tu es une si bonne maman. Hugs to you and the family.
Janine Cortell
Posted by: Janine | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 08:57 PM
I have never seen what my dreams are like after drinking hot chocolate, but they are crazy if I have any cheese before bed! I don't honestly think I can recall any normal dreams I've had--ever since I was little I've dreamed about riding a giant swan to Leprachaun Land to buy Hallmark cards, or observing stampeding African animals in Egypt from across a bridge in Turkey (my geography skills don't seem to translate very well in my dreams). I haven't done much traveling yet but my dreams don't seem to care--they always take me away somewhere. I always dream in vivid color, and usually in English (when I studied for French tests before bed, then half of my conversations were in one language, the other half in another).
As a dog lover, I too love getting the updates on Smokey! I hope he is healing well!
It's chilly, rainy, and very windy here in the Seattle area today :-) I'm hoping our power will stay on all day!
Posted by: Kaitlin De Jong | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 09:25 PM
Dear Kristin,
Dreams are amazing things! I don't seem to have much control over them, but I wish I could tell myself to dream about far off exotic places and travel the world in my sleep. My type of dreaming though would find me late for the plane or forgetting my passport! Alors! Please know that I am following Smokey's life story and am praying for his full recovery. Your blog is a highlight to my day! Karen (Bakersfield, CA)
Posted by: Karen Brown | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 09:34 PM
re: songe et songer vs. rêve et rêver
on peut avoir des rêves en train de dormir ci-inclus litéralement ou par extension métaphoriquement/ á mon avis, songer c'est plus général. par exemple JE SONGE DE M'INSTALLER EN FRANCE SE TRADUIT EN ANGLAIS: I KEEP ON THINKING (unrealistically) OF MOVING TO FRANCE. IT'S JUST A 'DREAM' OF MINE because I can't do it but not what I actually dream about asleep or in a daydream. I am not a native French speaker. plz check this out and return a comment. Feel free to copy or post this...gnr
Posted by: Gary N Rodan | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 10:02 PM
I am confused about the exact meaning of "songe" and Reve in relation to dream....please advise when you have time, many thanks...I am enjoying your french word-a-day!!!
Posted by: Amanda | Monday, November 16, 2009 at 10:41 PM
I recently lived in Paris for a few years with both my dog and cat. The vets I went to cooed and cared for my pets HOWEVER, I found French veterinary medicine to be wanting of urgency and up to date care. The care given to humans does not translate to their very beloved pets.
At any rate, please be "up" your proactiveness in Smokey's care, even if it means forcing the hand of the vet to debride this wound. A necrotic wound being pumped with antibiotics that is not healing is just suppressing his immune system. You do not, and I repeat, you do not want a head infection to travel to his brain or nervous system.
I totally agree with Nancy regarding finding a vet that has done this type of cleaning before. When my dog needed to be retested for heartworm (she is a Katrina rescue that had to be treated for it), our 60+ yr old loving Parisian vet looked wided eyed not just needing to figure out what lab could do the test - but when the results came back inconclusive. He called a Vet hospital in Marseille for advice, I called my NYC vet. My French vet went with the NYC vet's advice and all went well.
Our thoughts are with Smokey every day during his recovery,
Maryli & Dixie (our Katrina rescue)
Posted by: Maryli | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 12:48 AM
Ah, dreams. Eating in the evening certainly can trigger them. Last night we celebrated my youngest daughter's 52nd birthday, ending with Black Forest cake, and I dreamed that my husband confessed he was having an affair (with someone better looking than me) although the poor guy is almost 90 and in a home for Alzheimer patients, and was always very faithful! It was en anglais; I dont recall colour. I often dream that I am getting ready for work, and am going to be VERY VERY late.
No advice re Smokey, just best wishes. We're having wind and rain storms; must be November. Love your photos.
Dorothy, Abbotsford, BC
Posted by: dorothy dufour | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 01:00 AM
To Diane Scott: I am guessing that the dream of the child in your home that you don't remember may be your very own soul who most of us forget to nurture in our busy lives ... yet it is always happy to be remembered and loved. Les reves are the subconscious unresolved matters making an appearance when we rest. Les songes are the conscious considerations we are able to contemplate when we are awake. Be good to yourselves mes amis. I am still sunbathing in 75 degrees briefly every day in sunny Santa Barbaa, CA. We need rain.
Posted by: Ellen Sue Plger | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 02:08 AM
Another vote for continued updates and pictures of Smokey!
I sometimes wake up sweating from bad dreams in which I think that I have missed a law school exam (and therefore failed the class). This despite the fact that I graduated from law school 16 years ago!
I "daydream" of moving to France. Still hoping for that dream to come to reality.
Hugs from San Francisco, where it is sunny and 65.
Posted by: Christine Jackson | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 03:30 AM
I'm surprised yet comforted by the similar themes in so many of our dreams. Panic-stricken, arriving at a Math exam for which I never studied is my repeating nightmare and has been for over 30 years. Some of my favorite dreams include beloved family members who have passed away. They're once again so alive and vibrant ... and wise.
It's 42 and clear here on the east end of Long Island and beginning to look a lot like winter. The two day nor'easter over the week-end brought down our last remaining leaves.
Good luck with Smokey, with all that love around, he will mend - it's just a matter of time.
Posted by: Claudia - Bridgehampton, NY | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 01:01 PM
To my regret, I mostly forget the details and often the whole story of my dreams when I wake up. I'm just left with the feeling that there was something in my mind a second ago and that I missed a wonderful story. In contrast, "mon homme de rêve" remembers almost every dream and I always listen with big eyes when he tells about his incredible dreams...
Good luck for Smokeys recovery!
Greets from Besançon, where it is almost sunny and with 13 °C better than it should be in november (but who would care... :o)
Posted by: Stefanie | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 01:03 PM
Whew! Just made the airplane after forgetting my boarding pass, (still gold), having to run all the way back to the ticket counter,losing my luggage somewhere in the strange terminal, getting into the wrong, abandoned mostly dismantled boarding gate, and finally being the last one welcomed aboard by the flight attendant. OK, time for breakfast.
Posted by: Joe | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 03:40 PM
sometime I think God give us dream means
you have more than one life, you can do the different thing in your dream :)
Good luck for Smokeys recovery
Posted by: Arthur | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 03:46 PM
Dear Kristin,
I've been following the "guerison" of your puppy with great interest. I guess I'm quite lucky to live in a university town with a good vet school. When my dogs have had problems that my private practice vet couldn't handle, I've taken them there. These have been eye issues but they see everything at a vet school and are "au courrant" on all health developments. Additionally, I have dear friends living in La Cadière (just east of Marseilles). They have kept a kennel of dogs for decades and are experienced in treating dog injuries--or getting proper treatment for them. While I'm sure you are going to knowledgeable vets, perhaps they would know some one else who might help with Smokey's wounds. If you would like their name and contact information you can write me the email address I've supplied.
Posted by: Paula | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 04:59 PM
I had a nightmare last night (very rarely do I have those!)--I woke up trying to scream a warning to someone else in the dream...but my voice was constricted and I could only I woke up gasping...can't for the life of me remember what it was exactly that was scaring me! (I hate when I only remember parts of the dream...) PS: I usually dream in vivid color and sometimes wake up exhausted because I felt like I had been in some kind of epic movie adventure for hours! And I have dreamt in French before >> the best dreams a Francophile can have!
Posted by: Shelley | Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 12:45 AM
A dream I believe is an insight to the future for me as when we sleep some of us have ability to travel into the immediate future and when we awake we realize the fragments of the dream are in fact a reality so with this in mind I do tend to heed the implications of my dream. Who know what lies ahead no one knows for sure ...
Posted by: alex | Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 01:55 AM
quand j'etait jeune je songer toujours mais maintenant je sais la differance entre de songer et un reve.
Posted by: alex | Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 03:04 AM