charming way to say "eye-candy" in French
New video + saupoudrer + "quitte à le faire"

Bilingual Post: se sublimer (and more about the creative process)

  stone house yellow hose painted sign dog picket fence wooden lintel italy aosta valley dog Love Well (c) Kristin Espinasse

The painted sign reads: "To live well, love well, and let the others say what they will!" Pour bien vivre, bien aimer, et laisser dire. (Picture taken during our family vacation in Aosta, Italy. I repost this photo often because the message is so good and a needed reminder!)

 se sublimer (seuh-soo-blee-may)

    : to transcend oneself, to go beyond one's limits

Example sentence
Dans ce délicat exercice, elle a le don de se sublimer pour produire une histoire qui va elle, engendrer un moment de bonheur à ses lecteurs. (see translation in the story below)

Audio File: listen to today's word in the following story, written and read aloud by Jean-Marc! Download MP3 or Wav file


Un jour dans la vie d’écrivain de Kristi... by Jean-Marc
A Day in Kristi's Writing Life... by Jean-Marc
Aujourd’hui, je voudrai vous parler de ce qu’est le quotidien de notre chère écrivain.
Today, I want to talk to you about what is a typical day in the life of our dear writer.

Kristi se lève vers 6H le matin, ouvre la porte pour que Smokey (qui alors aboie et réveille toute la maison), puis Braise sortent quelques minutes) puis, elle va gentillement nous préparer le thé.
Kristi wakes up around six in the morning, opens the door so that Smokey (who then barks and wakes up the whole house), and then Braise, can go out a few minutes) then she kindly prepares us tea.

Ensuite, elle revient dans notre chambre pour boire le thé, consulter ses emails sans malheureusement pouvoir y répondre car c'est bientôt l'heure d'écrire son édition.
Next, she returns to our room to drink the tea, to consult her emails, without, unfortunately being able to respond to them for it is soon time to begin her edition.

C’est au tour de Jackie et Max de se lever et alors que je vais accompagner Maxime au bus, c’est Kristi qui le plus souvent s’occupe d’amener Jackie à l’école. 
Now it's time for Jackie and Max to get up and while it is I who takes Max to the bus, it's most often Kristi who takes care of getting Jackie to school.

Il est 8 H 30 et Kristi, le plus souvent, n’a toujours pas idée de ce qu’elle va écrire. Pour elle, l’inspiration est souvent synonyme d’improvisation.
It is 8:30 and Kristi, most often, still has no idea what she's going to write. For her, inspiration is often synonymous with improvisation.

Ce léger stress et la pression de devoir écrire une édition la plus parfaite en moins de quatre heures, tout en ayant à inclure sponsors, photos, messages vocaux, est une réelle prouesse d’artiste, surtout lorsque cela se produit en moyenne trois fois par semaine. 
This slight stress and the pressure to have to write the most perfect edition in less than four hours, all the while including sponsors, photos, vocal messages, is a true prowesse of the artist, especially when this is reproduced, in general, around three times a week.

Dans ce délicat exercice, elle a le don de se sublimer pour produire une histoire qui va elle, engendrer un moment de bonheur à ses lecteurs.
In this delicate exercise, she has the gift of transcending herself in order to produce a story that will itself engender a moment of happiness for her readers.

Pendant ce temps là, Kristi a un grand besoin de calme et ne se donne que quelques courtes pauses pour aller grignoter un fruit.
During this time, Kristi has a real need for calm, and she only gives herself a few short breaks to go and snack on a piece of fruit.

Une fois l’édition terminée, elle prépare notre déjeuner, va faire balader les chiens et puis, après avoir mangé son repas, elle va décompresser par une petite "sacro-sainte" sieste.
Once her edition is finished, she fixes our lunch, goes to walk the dogs and then, after eating her lunch, she goes to decompress by a little sacred nap.
Vient ensuite l’heure de lire les commentaires qui sont pour elle la récompense des efforts fournis dans la matinée. Elle va ensuite avoir un tout petit peu de temps pour répondre aux très nombreux emails et de s'occuper de nos enfants, de rencontrer quelques amis, de tenir la maison propre...
Next up, it is time to read the story comments which are for her the reward for her morning efforts. She'll then have a little time left to respond to numerous emails and to take care of our kids, meet with friends, and keep the house clean.

Voilà, je pensais vous pourriez savoir à quoi ressemble une journée type dans la vie de votre écrivain. Comme vous le voyez, cela ne lui laisse pas beaucoup de temps de loisirs.
So there you have it, I thought you might like to know just what a typical day looks like, in the life of your writer. As you can see, it doesn't leave a lot of time for leisure.
Aussi, j’espère que vous serez indulgents si elle ne répond pas toujours aux très nombreux emails qu’elle reçoit. Sachez néanmoins qu’ils sont tous lus et appréciés.
Also, I hope you'll be indulgent if she doesn't always respond to the numerous emails that she receives. Know, however, that they are all read and appreciated.
Même si Kristi travaille énormément, elle se considère privilégiée de pouvoir être en contact avec de si nombreux lecteurs qui ont tous également du talent, de la sagesse et un grande âme.
Even if Kristi works alot, she considers herself priviledged to be able to be in contact with so many readers who all have, equally, talent, wisdom and great souls. 


 => Listen to today's story, read aloud by Jean-Marc! Download MP3 or Wav file


You've Got Mail! (c) Kristin Espinasse
Jean-Marc, standing next to a mailbox at our cousin's house near Aix. When André and Annie (aunt- and uncle-in-law) hung their boîte à lettres one this magical plane tree... the tree responded by reaching out... for the longest hug in history (it took a decade or two to complete the hug!) Maybe someone should contact the Guiness Book of Records?

Thank you! I enjoyed your translations to yesterday's example sentence. Search the comments box to see them here. Here, again, is the sentence:

Le bonheur des yeux lui ferait-il raccrocher son cœur comme le chapeau du porte-manteau ? (Philippe Rousseau, L'Or des ecrins)

A Message from KristiOngoing support from readers like you keeps me writing and publishing this free language journal each week. If you find joy or value in these stories and would like to keep this site going, donating today will help so much. Thank you for being a part of this community and helping me to maintain this site and its newsletter.

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety


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Eileen - Charlottesville, VA

Hi Jean-Marc and Kristi!
Thanks for giving us a peek into Kristi's day! Is it nap time yet?
I love the mailbox tree hug!

Scott - Newnan GA

The insights and caring show in every post. I love the short stories recorded in French. So hard to find authentic spontaneous French in digestible bites. Thanks.

Marika Ujvari

Great picture of Jean-Marc with the cleverly positioned mailbox in a plane tree. Very nice description of Kristi's busy day from a caring husband.

Suzanne Codi

Merci Jean-Marc pour ce bon compte-rendu d'une journee de Kristi.
Heureusement que son blog n'apparait que 3 x par semaine, sinon le jardin serait envahi par les mauvaises herbes!!
J'espere que tout se passe bien avec les nouveaux raisins !!
Bises a vous 6 !

John Carr, Coussac Bonneval

"si nombreux lecteurs qui ont tous également du talent, de la sagesse et un grande âme."

Ah bien oui Jean Marc. Quelle perspicacité!

Bises a vous deux


Thank you for writing this appreciative note on Kristi's work. We subscribers owe her a lot and are grateful for her thrice-weekly newsletter, with which we can participate in our minds and thoughts in her life and the life of her family.


Kristin I've always been amazed at the personal responses you have given your readers, myself included, over the years. I know you are a caring person and passionate writer but only lately have I realized what a disciplined person you must be. Discipline and a passion for what you do, success follows? You are indeed successful, in so many ways. Bon week-end de la Louisiane.

Cyndy Witzke

It was great to read a description of your day. No one can tsk-tsk over a petit nap in the afternoon, can one? You deserve it.

Hugs to Smokey and Braise, and best wishes to your wonderful family.

suzanne dunaway

Jean Marc (I met you when you were at the other house where my husband and I visited one morning and tasted wine)--you said some kind words about your amazing wife, but it is the last item you mentioned that sparked this: Could you help her clean house, too? It sounds as if, as you said, there is little leisure time in her life, and I know she'd love the company.....


I appreciate so much this look into French life! I was fortunate enough to realize my dream of visiting the Eiffel Tower over 20 years ago in a whirlwind 24 hour tour, and it was wonderful! But 24 hours does not give insight into French life... Thank you so much Kristi for enlightening us! And thank you Jean-Marc, Max and Jackie for sharing your Mom and your lives with us!
:-) !!!



Karen Gardner

Thank you, Jean Marc, for the insight into Kristi and the much valued source of French Word-A-Day. I print select expressions of yours to send to my mother who speaks fluently yet has no one to share this gift. She is not well and every little life pleasure is magnified. I make her a card from your photo and text, similar to flash cards she used when she taught us Spanish when we were kids.

I sent to her the book "Through the Language Glass; Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages". I skimmed it quickly enough to know that French is an important language to learn.

So again, thank you, Kristi for putting so much heart into helping us understand and appreciate French.

Karen Gardner
US in the UK


My Precious Jean=Marc,

I can not begin to express my love for you which has grown out of watching you love my daughter. You are becoming a master at carrying the title of 'LOVING HUSBAND.'

Thank you for completing my job with Kristi - your love for Kristi has brough me much peace.

I love you Honey - I am so proud of you.

How is your blog coming along - I was hoping that this post would be about that antique French tractor I saw in a photo Kristi sent me yesterday. You looked like an ad for Ralph Loren driving that tractor through the forest. It was such a classic photo that I played around with making a book of photo's yesterday of you - The dreamy look in your eyes as you were manipulating the gears to run that old 'tank' was priceless. When I was young my Dad taught me to operate his D-8 or was it a D-6 Catapeller/bulldozer so I am familiar with not having a steering-wheel. Is that really your new tractor?

Once again thank you my precious JM for enriching all of our lives with your hard work and love.



Maryann New York

The distribution of work in your household seems more than a bit lopsided. Kristi starts the day making morning tea, taking one child to school, cooking dinner, cleaning the house and from previous posts - plants the garden, takes kids to the dentist, shopping for everything - all the while writing her wonderful blog. Hey Jean Marc, time to step up. I miss her previous writing and sincerely hope that she is alright.

Helen Bradshaw

Très sympa! Merci

winn gregory

Absolument no need to answer this email mais I love this column and you both write interesting informative columns. Merci a vous. Your fan, Winn

Bill in St. Paul

Thanks, JM, for a look at Kristin's daily life. If everybody took a daily nap, the world would be a more peaceful place (or, at least, as my grandson does, have some "quiet time").

Mike Armstrong

Merci, Jean-Marc! Quelle bonne révélation; quel bon éclairissement de la vie écrivaine-internaute!

Jean-Marc Espinasse

Just a little precision here... My post is NOT on what I am doing (and to reassure some of you, I also work a little and even in the house) BUT what Kristi manages to do in a day. More than this, it is to point out that she is totally devoted to her blog.

Linda Hampton Smith

All I can say is that you guys bring such good to the world. Thank you.

Sarah LaBelle near Chicago

It is always amazing how a tree grows around something affixed to it.

Wood seems so hard by the time we deal with it. Clearly it is something softer, more flexible as it grows in its rings year by year.

Can the mail still be taken from that box? Or put in? That top flap seems wedged in by the wood.

Caught by the photo, I forget the story. It is a good day le quotidien de notre écrivain, and amazing that the stories are born and finished in one morning. Merci Jean-Marc pour l'histoire, et merci Kristin pour les écrire.

Kimberley Brody

Merci Jean-Marc,

We know Kristi works hard at this newsletter and it's always interesting for us to discover new words and phrases. It's also a lovely peak into your french vie!



Judi Miller, Lake Balboa, CA

Thank you for all you both do for each other, for your family and friends - and most generously do for us, your readers. I love reading about vos jours quotidiens, but I think one nap can't possibly be enough for either of you! Quel effort!

Bises a tous les deux (This little phrase most likely is not proper French, but I hope you get the idea) :-). Judi


Dear Jean-Marc, Thank you for responding to your critics. I'm so surprised by them, because it seemed obvious that you were focusing on Kristin in this post.

And thank you so much for this insight into Kristin's day--so much more thought goes into each blog entry than I had realized. Because her writing is so delightful and fun to read, it's easy to think that she just sits down and the day's story simply flows from her fingertips (haha). I especially love your statement: "For her, inspiration is often synonymous with improvisation." As a grad student who is faced with much writing (after many years out of school), I totally relate!

I love the photo with you and the mailbox hugged by the tree--amazing!

Merci, Jean-Marc, for your support of Kristin and for showing us this side of her work.

Karene in So. Calif.



JUST a quick note to set the record straight.

NO ONE I KNOW NOW OR IN THE PAST (except for my Dad and mayber my husbands son Brian) works as hard as Jean-Marc.

Of course I have had the pleasure of living for long extended vacations with Jean-Marc so I have seen first hand that he has what is known as 'TRUE GRIT' when it comes to his personal work ethic.

I have never in my life seen JM waste a moment in his life - I look to Jean-Marc as an example each day.

At this very moment it is around 5 p.m. on the mountain where they live and I know that he is outside in the cold building a new road up the side of the mountain to reach the seven terraces that have been abandoned on their property for many years. I am sure there are alot of friends out there reading this now that have worked with JM throughtout the harvest and have been inspired by his work ethic.

Jean-Marc has made everything possible for Kristi to thrive in her environment regarding her writing....I remember years ago back in Les Arc when he built Kristi her own office seperate from the house so she could get away each morning knowing that to remove her from the house would prove to lighten her mind for her creativity.

When they moved later into the vineyard the first thing he did was build her a new kitchen and a beautiful office which looked out over the green vines and mountains. Once she was settled into her cozy office I can remember many times looking out of her window and seeing Jean-Marc out in the fields driving the tractor up and down the vines tilling the ground, only to look out the window during another season and see him digging new holes to hand plant 4,000 new baby vines. Then of course he had to prune thousands of vines by hand at the proper time each year.

Jean-Marc has shown me what it means to be the C.E.O. of a family. Not only is he on top of all the '$#!+' we stir up with our overactive imaginations and creativity - he is at the top of the chart when it comes to sensitivity and the unending love he sends into our lives each day.

Example> Email from JM three weeks after I returned from my one month visit, "Mom, I have found this ticket for you to come back to us In April - does this schedule work for you?' Love, Your Son

This was done without Kristi's knowledge.

As far as the housework is concerned, JM has offered repeatedly (sp?) to have a 'helper/cleaning lady' come in to assist Kristi with the house but Kristi has so far refused as she enjoys her privacy....personally I think after this little note Kristi will be ready to open up her life again to this proposal.

About the tea in the morning - When Kristi started this ritual back at the vineyard I was so happy I could have cried. It showed me that each morning she would climb back up the stairs and spend some quiet tea-time with her beautiful husband where they could dream of the future together - - - and look what those quiet moments produced - a new life on the mountainside of Bandol.

Please forgive all puncutation-typing-spelling-etc. as I do not proofread or even stop typing until I hit the send button on all of my correspondance....I just like to say my thoughts and move on.

MaryAnn you are a precious reader of ours - that's why I want you to know JM as we do.




What a great routine, and somehow I expected just that from her...taking care of a lot of things while looking within and without for the next topic to share...I send Kristin our love...and thank you for the writing Jean-Marc....wishing you a happy weekend


Bill Facker

J-M .... Good One! Aloha, Bill

Randy and Debbie Komisarek

We so much appreciate this blog. We've been following it for long before moving to France on our bateau. The Jean Marc posts are very helpful in re-enforcing our French and, of course, we always enjoy Kristin's experiences and photographs of France. It enhances our experience in country.


Randy and Debbie Komisarek
Bateau "Alouette"
Roanne, FRANCE

Leslie Bradshaw

Merci, Jean-Marc; j'aime bien quand vous (ou Kristi) écrivez une histoire entièrement en français. Je vais employer celle-ci avec mon élève qui est en train d'apprendre le français. Nous allons la lire et pratiquer la prononciation, alors c'est très utile! D'ailleurs, nous pouvons discuter le contenu et poser des questions. Et, évidemment, apprécier la dédication de Kristi, qui est tellement consciencieuse. Je vous apprécie, tous!



May God bless you both abundantly for all the peace and serenity you bring into out lives. You are beautiful people and I am so glad I found you ...

Carol McFarland, Arcata, CA

As a writer and a writing teacher, I've marveled at Kristin Espinasse's writing talent as it has unfolded in these intimate posts over the years. It seems to me that her family notices that Kristin may be tired just now; and it is heartening to hear Jean-Marc's insight into how she spends her days as this shows how much he appreciates her as he accounts for the hours and hours of visible toil. However, there is almost no way to peer into a writer's soul and count the moments when she writes, rewrites, revises, and anguishes over the many decisions and choices that go into these splendid pieces that we all enjoy so much. For those interested in the writing life -- and the toll it takes, may I suggest picking up How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton. And thanks to Jean-March and Jules Greer for nourishing Kristin's talent!


"Dans ce délicat exercice, elle a le don de se sublimer pour produire une histoire qui va elle, engendrer un moment de bonheur à ses lecteurs."

So true.

John Senetto

Nice ear ring Jean-Marc! Until I took a second look. Ha Ha.

Lisa A.,Los Angeles, CA

Merci beaucoup Jean-Marc pour la belle histoire d'une journée de Kristin. J'ai vraiment apprécié la lecture en français ce matin et j'ai essayé très fort de ne pas tricher et de regarder la traduction en anglais. hihihihi :)
Je suis en train de terminer française 4, donc ce matin a été une joie pour moi de pratiquer ma compréhension de ce que vous avez écrit si éloquemment.
Je pense que vous êtes tous deux également préfet pour l'autre.
Merci encore et avoir un bon week-end!

Linda Casey

I LOVED the way Jean-Marc wrote .. first in French, and then with English translation underneath. Thank you. That's most helpful in strengthening my French (which is quite poor). Linda


Hi dear Kristin and Jean-Marc,
What a wonderful post!
It's fun to read in French (also nice to have the translation!)
We are always privileged to share in your lives through Kristi's talented writing; it's also our gift to learn how you spend your days.
Just as we do with our own families ,to think of your day as we go about our own daily routine gives us a blessing in realizing how we not only share the time together,but share in our lives. Because of you, all of your extended FWAD friends are so fortunate. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Love, Natalia XO

Kitty Wilson

Absolutely wonderful to read Jean-Marc's quiet, detailed tribute to Kristi's work, laid out here with such powerful clarity and such a deep current of respect and appreciation. I'm grateful for the now-embedded image in my imagination of the way Kristin is beginning her day while I am still asleep in mine across the sea. It's as if she makes the sun rise!

P.S. Kristi, if/when you'd benefit through a breather from blogging, let us know... we will grant it, for a while at least! Everyone deserves a restorative sabbatical, no matter how many people she may feel responsible to!!)


I enjoyed this post today so much! Thank you, Jean-Marc for this glimpse into the busy day of a dedicated writer. I had my students read this post out loud in French today and then they were able to listen to your lovely French at the end. I hope you don't mind a little correction. "si elle ne repond pas..." has no s on the verb form.
Hopefully, we will hear from you again!! Merci beaucoup!


Your husband loves you and appreciates you and I know you know how lucky you are.

Leslie in Portland, Oregon

Thank you for your eloquent description of Kristi's typical day, Jean-Marc! I love to read your posts in French, with English translation nearby if needed. You and Kristin are a marvelous team!!


What a kick! No wonder Kristi went back for this guy. Anyone that has followed this 'site can see the love and support they give each other. That's what it's all about young people. You do for your spouse and forget about yourself!!

Kathleen from Connecticut

Give a busy person a task and they will do it. That is Kristin. I admire her work ethic in getting up early, making tea, getting the kids up and off to school and then onto her blog...sort of I that order.
Thank you Jean-Marc for the "day in the life of Kristin"
Kristin, Have a great day and and if it isn't a writing day, relax and enjoy sometime for yourself .



Love Jean-Marc's writing, from one who hates to write.

Fred Caswell

Jean-Marc, Your have given your wife a well-deserved and skillfully written tribute. No doubt you have not only given Kristi's readers a gift of happiness but have given your beloved wife great joy with your heartfelt love letter.

Fred Caswell

Chere Amie, I am so proud of all you do and have done. Happy, too, that I was able to be a (want to believe) special supporter in your early growing time as an ecrivan with great talent. Affectueusement toujours, Fred


Bonjour Kristi et Jean-Marc,
The support you have for one another flavors your blog with a certain warming timbre. I loved the way you tied the story together, with the tree hugging the mailbox! Oui....and your combined embracing of the inbox, fingers dancing away - hours on the keyboard. Thank you for the continued deliveries to the hearts of your audience out here around the world.


Loved this post and the insight into a day in the life- ah the glamour- not! You are a prolific writer, Kristi with a wonderful husband & family. Keep up the good work!

Marianne Rankin

There is so much more to many things than meets the eye. Jean-Marc has given us an insider's view of what the writing life is like. It's so easy to look at a blog and think, "A column 3 times a week, that's it," without stopping to think of the time and effort required. Writing is perhaps occasionally the easy part. There are photos to select, maybe resize, and insert, links to create, an audio file (Thanks, J-M!) to have recorded and include, etc. -- much more work than one might be aware of.

Kristin, thanks again for all you do. We don't take you for granted.


Kristin, works so hard & yet inspries everyone & now we have the great honour to hear words spoken in true French by Marc, how lucky we are to have two such wonderful people + an adorable family that share there lives with us. Thank you so much

Sandy Vann

Such a loving, heart felt and moving tribute JM to Kristin and her life as a writer on a daily basis. We are all so priveleged and
blessed to share a bit in your lives through this delightful, inspiring blog. Looking forward to reading much more from your new blog as well in the months ahead!

Such talent, prose...sheer poetry in your writing - we enter in to your life en famille with such joy and appreciation.
To toasting to a new year soon with you both in Bandol. Writing is such hard work...amazing how you both manage it with a family, two sweet dogs and a new vineyard to plant. Mille merci's et warmest wishes in your new endeavors. To dreams come true. Sandy and Terry in Aix for the moment!

Carly Lacombe

Comme Sarah LaBelle a dit, "Merci Jean-Marc pour l'histoire, et merci Kristin pour les écrire." J'étudie le français aux États-Unis (près de Chicago aussi, en fait). J'apprécie toutes vos histoires, et j'aime beaucoup lire les histoires en français, pour pratiquer lisant en français.

Judy Feldman

Kristin, I am so impressed with your dedication to this blog, and your commitment to your readers. We so appreciate you & your wonderful stories! just emailed you an article from the NY Times called The Art of Being Still - think you'll enjoy it!

Clive Moore

I look forward eagerly to receiving French Word-A-Day and appreciate the enormous effort which must go into producing this wonderful resource for those of us trying to master this difficult but wonderfully interesting language. The most difficult part is the spoken language, and in this regard can anyone explain to me why, in 'se sublimer' (30-11-12) the words 'tout en ayant a inclure..." are pronounced toot-ahin-yo eye-un-cure' instead of 'toot-ah-nahvahn-ahn-cleur''?

The words on the painted sign, 'Pour bien vivre, bien aimer, et laisser dire' reminded me of Catullus' famous poem which begins:
'Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus,
rumoresque senum severiorum
omnes unius aestimemus assis.

and goes on:
da mi basia mille, deinde centum,
dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,
deinde usque altera mille,deinde centum,
dein, cum milia multa fecerimus, ..

This is surely 'bien aimer'!

Diane Stanley

What a kind glimpse into Kristi's busy, but very meaningful life! Jean-Marc, you must be very proud of her. Kristi certainly inspires us as she brings her lovely thoughts our way. You are both very much appreciated. Thank you.

Diane Stanley
Oak Ridge, New Jersey


Merci Jean-Marc. Bien que j'aie toujours trop de mails à lire chaque jour, j'apprécie toujours autant de vous lire, tous les deux. On ne se connait pas encore beaucoup, mais j'aime cette idée de semer de belles graines de joie et d'amour dans la vie de tous ses lecteurs. Keep up with the good work, I am proud of you!

Your friend in the English Provence Book Club in Marseilles


I hope it's not too late to comment. Thank you Jean-Marc for your post today. I have a great husband too, so I know one when I see one. I can feel your love and appreciation for Kristin in your post today.
Most importantly, while your story is sweet, it is also a great learning tool. I am just a beginning French learner and Kristin has been wonderful in helping me with vocabulary, your sentence for sentence style really helps seal the deal. So keep up the posts! You both make an excellent team.

Catherine Spencer

Ce site est fabuleux parce que c'est tout-à-fait natural. Je me sens que je suis en France que je vais visiter en 2013. Je cherche une maison à louer à Languedoc mais je le trouve dificile à trouver de Nouvelle-Zélande! Merci pour votre site web qui est mon favori.


Thank you Jean-Marc for sharing your thoughts about our favorite writer. I know Kristin must appreciate your support.

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