A food that garantees happiness, luck, health and offspring?
"Un Sourire" (Bilingual poem that will make you smile :-)

A trend in France this summer + photos of Ramatuelle

Kristi and jean-marc espinasse
At beach restaurants like this one--and over at the old port in St. Tropez--everyone is asking for un rosé piscine. When June already feels like August, the "glass of rosé on ice" really hits the spot. But if you're like me, you might prefer "de l'eau gazeuse." To each his own, à chacun son goût! (If you are new to this blog, here is a picture of Jean-Marc and me. My husband does the sound files for this journal and I write the stories and photograph. Enjoy!)

"rosé piscine" (roh-zay pee-seen)

    : rosé wine served over ice cubes

Audio File: Listen to Jean-Marc: 
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Pour faire ce qu'on appelle "un rosé piscine," versez le vin sur des glaçons, le tout dans un grand verre.
To make what we call a "pool rosé," pour the wine over the ice cubes, all this in a big glass.


Style & comfort in the beauty of the Provencal countryside. 4 bedrooms & a study with a sofa bed, each with ensuite (full) bath. Villa comfortably sleeps 7-9 adults.

A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE... by Kristin Espinasse

Decisions decisions! What with the unbelievable encounter Mom and I made last week--and Friday and Saturday's escape to the beach--there are plenty of things to share with you. But something tells me to just let everything percolate, to instead share photos and enjoy this change of pace.

The following snapshots were taken in Ramatuelle, where, ambling alone amidst the winding village paths, I heard sighing....  The quiet and the beauty this village will take your breath away too!  


If you've ever felt out of place, take courage from this wayward branch. What beauty it adds to the picture!


Before I moved to France I would see this color blue in films depicting French life. Blue on the walls, blue on the shutters... and then blue in the Mediterranean Sea over which Jean-Marc married me. (Coming up, now, on our 20th anniversary...)


A white picket fence in America and a volet blanc in France.... 


There are a few imperfections in this photo, but a dreamy something overrides them.


Cool and quiet here in summertime--and a word from our sponsor before we continue...

New rental in Provence. In the charming village of Sablet--this spacious home is the perfect place to return to after sightseeing, bicycling or hiking. Photos here.

Documenting the color of leaves in June

Ramatuelle, France (c) Kristin Espinasse
All I need is this garden shed-turned-nest. And you? Perfect fpr listening to the birds, and hearing the village come to life with its clanking coffee cups and bonjour messieurs-dames, goodmorning folks.

Ramatuelle, France (c) Kristin Espinasse
So much to do in Ramatuelle, but if you run out of ideas... have a look at the chalkboard outside the Office de Tourisme. Even it is as pretty as a picture.

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety


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loved your photos today Kristin! the light is so amazing and it makes me feel as if I'm there! Beautiful composition Thank you for sharing.


Hi Kristin,
And sorry for this : you wrote "Pour faire ce qu'on appèle..., etc, etc..." = "appelle" is better !
And at the end of your text, you wrote "bonjour messieur-dames, etc..." = "messieurs" is better.
And we do love, here in Provence, the famous Rosé-piscine, you can imagine !!
What do you think of these 35° or more ?!
But I guess it's not a big problem for you, since you are from Phoenix. I remember those temps when we spent some days in your town after our landings (2 times)) !!

Very nice and typical photos shot in a really pretty village (rather famous too..).
Bravo !

Betty Gleason

Patiently waiting in anticipation of your intriguing stories as I view your lovely photos. Hope you are having a fantastic time capturing all those moments in the albums of your mind and heart.

Cynthia Gillespie-Smith

Some nice pictures, Kristi, of Ramatuelle. I can imagine it was a lovely outing, even in this heat. Not far from Ramatuelle are some nude beaches which are probably pretty drôle this time of year and best taken with un grand rosé piscine. Just sayin'!

Rosemary Deshaies

Such a lovely village!

Faye Stelly

Thanks for lovely pics...could the sky be any bluer...and the branch w/ it's lovely flowers posing for our enjoyment!


Breathtaking photos! I miss southern France.

Nancy Stilwagen

20 years??? You don't look old enough, either of you! Congratulations, and thank you for the wonderful posts.

Anne Umphrey

You have a lovely eye for composition, color and mood in your photos. Thank you so much for sharing.

Patricia Sands

Thanks for the lovely visit to Ramatuelle! Your photos capture the flavour perfectly. I enjoyed my first rosé piscine today after reading your blog before my husband and I hopped on the bus to Villefranche-Sur-Mer for lunch. Merci for that great suggestion! Loved it! Now it's time to get to work and catch up on social media. Playtime is over for today!

Joy Bryden

Merci! You made my morning bright with these lovely, gentle pictures. Such peace surrounds each snap, and descends on the beholder.

Janine Cortell

Chere Kristin:
You have such a talent for finding beauty in ordinary(and some extraordinary) things.
Your photos remind mebofbtwo sabbatical years I spent in southern France. It is indeed a very special place. Amities, Janine

Gordon Lyman

Several of your photos today have a near-painterly magic ...

"beach restaurants like this one"
"a dreamy something"
"cool and quiet here"
"color of leaves in June"

Nicely done.


Marie Antoinette

I love today's photos! They remind me of a trip my husband and I took last year. We spent two glorious weeks in France and I took thousands of photos! There's so much charm and beauty all around, it's hard not too! Kristen, I just purchased your latest book and I can't wait to start reading it. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now, I look forward to it. When yor blog comes thru, it feels like a ray of sunshire. Keep up the good work!

Faye Stampe, Gleneden Beach, OR

What dreamy photos -- I loved looking at them over morning coffee. Such a wonderful way to start the day.

Thanks and enjoy your mom!

Be well.

Katheryn Lyman

Of all your postings, the photo of the bougainvillea really touched my heart. You make me cry with all your talent and insight.
You are beautiful. More beautiful than you imagine. You lift others up. You give hope and comfort.
Meeting you is on my bucket list.

Mim (Richmond, VA)

Love seeing this village. Wishing I were able to be in the south of France again. I'll live vicariously. Thanks for your wonderful photos.
And, also, vicariously, through my having a piece of Mail Art on display at a gallery in Marseille! I'm pretending it's me over there.

Chris Allin

Lovely photos, Kristin. They are truly poster-worthy. Glad to see you and Jean-Marc are having some fun time. We enjoyed the update on his blog about the baby vines at Mas des Brun~


Our dear Kristi,
One word for today's post:GLORIOUS!!
You are absolutely as gifted a photographer as hou are a writer!
Natalia xo

Eileen deCamp

Hi Kristin,
Love the photos today, especially the cool, quiet ruelle!

Judy Bell

Love the photos. Thanks!

Kitty Wilson-Pote

Lovely, lovely captures today, and so deftly captioned, as well -- as with all your village photos, my heart swells and aches for the special charisma of lived-in places with a history of human habitation much much MUCH older than here in Canada. Even my so-called 'older' home aka a 'character home' is a newborn compared to the beautifully weathered facades of the village dwellings that FELT so like home during my few times in Europe, including France. Must've lived there a few earlier lifetimes to be so homesick for such places. Thank goodness you bring them to us, framed by your remarkable 'eye' and way with words! Glad as can be that you and Jules are exploring as vibrantly as ever, despite the heat! Love to you both, and to the rest of the gang as well.

Kathleen from Connecticut

Wish we were there with you, but we won't be in Provence until late August, early September. Although, We have been drinking Rose. Makes me feel like I am there.
Love the pictures. The doors and windows have so much character. Some see them as old and depilated, but you and I see beauty. beauty is in the eye if the beholder.
Thank you for your pictures and FWAD.


catharine ewart-touzot

beautiful pictures

Jim Anderson

All I need is this garden shed-turned-nest. And you? Perfect fpr listening to the birds, and hearing the village come to life with it's clanking coffee cups and bonjour messieur-dames, goodmorning folks.

"It's" = it is. "Its" is the possessive form needed in this sentence. Someone already mentioned messieurs-dames.

Kathleen from Connecticut

But they say Messieurs-dames in France all of the time!

24/7 in France

Charming photos of a charming place and with current temperatures here, un rose piscine sounds wonderful!

Sarah LaBelle near Chicago

Kathleen from Connecticut I think the point was that both words end in s
as you spelled it, messieurs-dames.
The s is left off messieurs up in the post for today.
There is nothing wrong with the phrase itself.

Hot weather in Provence. Still comfortable here, knock wood.

It will be nice to hear some of the adventures with your mother. Those are usually excellent stories.

Marti Hinman

I am always happy to forward French Word a Day to friends who love the french culture. Your blog is most enjoyable, your writing style, the fotography, sharing stories of your family, pets etc. are most appreciated.
I am about to start reading First French Essais, the pictures are beautiful! This book makes a lovely gift for francophiles friends and I will hurry and order a few.
Mille mercis!!
From la Floride,U.S.A.


Sharing on FB! I've been reading for... 8 (?!) years now, but my first comment was just last week. Your pictures and words brought such a smile to my face today, though, I just had to tell you-- as a fellow American transplant to France, that certain blue in your photo of the vieux volets en bois, really struck a chord... "My" France is tinged in the same shade. I'm a calligrapher and I named my atelier French Blue, for the same reasons you describe. I even try to wax poetic about it on my website, though to lesser effect that you do, here. <3

Thanks for writing, and sharing your pictures with all of us.


Your photographs are food for that part of the soul which is nurtured by beauty.


i take pictures of doors wherever i go as well! nice to see a fellow door lover!

Diane Young

Missed hearing the JM pronunciation and some of the photos. Je ne sais pas qu'est-que c'erat la probleme. It is very hard to believe you are nearing 20 years of marriage. Tempus fugit for sure. Thanks for sharing part of your life with us.Have a lovely weekend in a lovely part of the world.

David Miller

That brought back many memories. When we first married my wife and I spent 7 of our first 8 years of marriage holidaying in the region, normally camping at la Toisin D'Or, normally in September (out of season) so we could explore the area without the crowds. We discovered the delights of Ramatuelle, Port Grimaud, Cavaliere sur Mere and of course St Tropez itself. many evenings we would sit in a port-side bar, sipping anis and listening to the Mistral in the mountains during the 3rd week of September, always arrived like clockwork!!
Wonder whether I will ever get to see how much it has changed in the last 40 years?

Raymond Brown

I would always stay at "Chez Tony" in Ramatuelle and stroll the waterfront in the evening and watch people having dinner by candlelight aboard their yachts.

Not to forget that "B.B." in 1954 or 55 made her famous film "Et Dieu Crea La Femme" with Jean Louis Trignant and Kurt Jurgens in St Tropez when it was still just a sleepy little fishing village and the only way there was by bus over a dusty two lane country road.

Kathleen Thompson

Kristin, I am writing because not to long ago you shared a poem or saying about giving away a smile. I thought I saved it but cannot find. If you could send it to me I would be so grateful. It was beautiful and I would like to share it. I have consciously been smiling more especially to those I feel need it the most.

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