Friday, August 29, 2014
With all the time I have on my hands since letting my emails go unanswered, you may wonder what I'm up to? Netting figs! And on a less glamorous note, I am caring more for my home and family (this last one is a "sentimental" note). Read on.
courriel (kohr-ee-el)
: email
courriel = le courrier électronique
Le courrier électronique existait avant Internet et fut un outil précieux lors de la création de celui-ci. Email existed before internet and was a useful tool when creating it (internet).
A Day in a French Life... by Kristin Espinasse
In France, a translation for electronic mail exists (for the record it's "courriel") though the majority of French people I know use the English term. French or English, email is a force that rules our our emotions, which can go up and down like a mail-truck on a montagne russe.
Apart from our heartstrings, email sometimes rules our lives. After beginning this blog in October of 2002, I had the privilege and honor of hearing from people from all over the world. My inbox grew by the year and I answered every single letter, interacting with a rainbow of readers. From a retired artist in Australia to a 12-year-old in my home town of Phoenix, I got to know complete strangers endearingly. Births, marriages, retirements, illnesses, deaths--times a hundred, two hundred. Meantime, in the background, loomed my close-knit family. And then a string came undone. And another....
Sitting here now, as upright as a half-knit sock, I am trying to mend loose ends after an ambitious decade of electronic correspondence. I am trying to re-prioritise. To remember my father's birthday this year.
Please excuse this erratic story. I meant to post a rerun--then make lunch, take my daughter back-to-school shopping, and prepare for a family dinner tonight (with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, we're going to talk about my belle-mère's situation.)
As for email, I'm signing off for good--unless your name is Mom or Dad or Best Friend or "State Lottery Official." (Just kidding! ...about the State Lottery Official.)
(Writing today's letter was as hard as saying "no." If you do reply to this post, via the link at the end, please do so with support. I need it, just as you do.)
French Vocab
montagne russe = roller coaster
la belle-mère = mother-in-law
That pomegranate tree I told you about. The fruit needs more time to ripen, so we took my mother-in-law a hand-picked bouquet of flowers instead (bougainvillea and sunflowers. It was sweet!)
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety