Rondelle + Recipe everyone's asking for! My Mother-in-Law's Summer Pizza!
Nice: Words to those who are saddened. Parler. Talk.

Temoignage + Do you remember finding a Gideons in the hotel dresser? In France?


Maybe it is because I am a leftie (une gauchère), or because I do things backwards  (reading magazines)... but the marketeer in me thinks the back of Diane's book is most enticing! Satisfy your curiosity by viewing the front cover, here.

Eight Months in Provence, A Junior Year Abroad 30 Years Late. It is never too late to fulfill a dream. CLICK HERE to order the book

TODAY'S WORD: le témoignange

: witness, testimony
    : evidence, account, record


=> Listen to Jean-Marc pronounce today's quote, CLICK HERE

Soyez partout charitable, reconnaissant, facile à vivre, et tous vous rendront témoignage.
Everywhere, be giving, thankful and easy to live with, and all these things will be your testimony.

From the words of Bernard of Clairvaux. Read more of Bernard de Clairvaux here.


    by Kristi Espinasse

Saturday, not far from Salon de Provence, we celebrated Marianne and Michel's 50th wedding anniversary. You may remember them from their 40th anniversary, recounted somewhere in this blog. Brèf, Marianne and Michel are the parents of our son's godfather, Fred.

But let me get right to my story, which I thought would be about our two-day fête where one hundred friends converged in an historic inn deep in the Provencal countryside. Until something that happened at the piscine, that second day, changing the orientation of my story, orienting it towards the blond disciple in the bikini.

As Jean-Marc dragged our lawn-chairs over to the pool's shaded area, where two other chaises-longues were already occupied, I said bonjour to the blond in the bikini, figuring she was part of the wedding party. "Qu'est-ce qu'on est bien ici dans l'ombre," I said, as a way to break the ice.

"Ah, vous êtes americaine!" came the warm response.

"How did you know? I could be English!"

"I recognize your accent. I traveled to the States, years ago, on a TWA state-to-state trip, and stayed with Christian hosts.

A couple of the stranger's words jumped out at me and, after a short debate, I decided to hone in on them.  (I avoid using the French word for Christian -- afraid of bumbling it with the term cretin, which I'm not quite sure of the meaning (fool? hypocrite? dummy?). Playing it safe, I asked my question in English: "Did you say your hosts were Christian?"

I soon learned that the woman and  her husband (presently returning to his lawn chair, dripping wet from a swim in the pool) were distributors of Gideons bibles. Remember them? You used to find them in every hotel room - in the dresser drawer. Remember?

"It is hard to find a Gideons these days!" I said, "especially in Europe! But my Mom found one years ago, in St. Moritz! Reading it changed her life."

The woman in the bikini whipped out a notepad. "May I take your Mother's temoignage?"

Around this time Jean-Marc returned, dripping wet from his swim. I tossed him a towel and  ushered him to sit down. This was our chance for some hands on healing! Only things didn't quite turn out that way--and thank God for that--as we were beginning to make a big enough spectacle of ourselves....

Having learned that my husband has been suffering from depression for 6 months, with another setback just this week, the woman in the bikini whipped out another item from her purse--a thin volume of Psalms--and flipped to no. 84.

As she read about the Valley of Tears, I marveled at how it was the exact message for Jean-Marc!: lorsqu'ils traversent la vallée des Larmes, ils en font une oasis (As they walk across the Valley of Tears, they will make from it an oasis.)

"That's it! Just the message needed!"

Hearing my enthusiasm, the woman in the bikini offered a suggestion: "Do you know you can sing the scriptures?" And with that, she snapped her fingers to the beat, and sang out the rest of the passage! At first I thought this was kind of cool...until I became aware of the wedding group at the other end of the pool. How chic everyone looked with their fedora hats and fine linen towel wraps. Meanwhile the four of us sat huddled together, dripping wet and singing the Gospel off-key.

Growing increasingly self-conscious, the thought occurred to me: Then again, we might have been chanting La Marseillaise--in preparation for the night's well-anticipated soccer final between Portugal and France!

This reminded me to ask the stranger a pertinent question? Which side was she on? I mean, was she here at the wedding party as a friend of Marianne's or Michel's? That is when she answered,

"Who are Marianne and Michel?"

My eyes shot over to the wedding party, where we might have been stylishly congregating--if we weren't sitting like wet hound dogs, howling hallelujah! Just who were these people, after all? I looked at the couple facing us.

The woman was singing and snapping her fingers, her face the picture of peace and joy. "Don't worry if you sing off key! Just sing!" she said, opening her eyes to look at me. The louder she sang, the more I began to fidget... until some familiar words came to mind:

Aucun prophète n'est bien accueilli dans sa patrie.
A prophet is not welcome in his home town.

I realized it was true. If these four lawn-chairs--this small gathering of believers--was her home town, then my current vibes were making the disciple feel less and less welcome!

I just couldn't help it. Perhaps 24 years in France had made me as reserved as the French? I guess I now worshiped a little more discretely. Concerned Jean-Marc was feeling ill-at-ease (or projecting my feelings on him?), I was about to whisper we needed to be moving on... when the woman in the bikini made our escape easy on us: "I think they are calling you to the lunch table," she said, pointing to the well-heeled party headed to the dining hall.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you!" I said, "Give me a call!" and fast as that I ran to join the group, most of whom were as foreign to me as the two evangelicals I had just ditched. As Jean-Marc and I ate with friends of friends at the table, I looked toward the pool to the couple who had become familiar to me. But they were gone.

The next morning I took my dog, Smokey, for a walk in the forest. The woman's words came back to me, tree by tree: "What's important is love and serving others," and "Try singing the scriptures. Don't worry. It's okay to be off-key!"

I tried remembering Psalm 84, and a few words came back, something about better to be a doorkeeper in God's house, than to dwell somewhere else. But mostly I thought of the disciple in the bikini. And how she could not know the impression she had made on me. And I thought of others, out there, who may have felt just like her, on watching their captive audience suddenly high tail it out the door.

To the woman in the bikini, and to you who are reading, remember this: it did not mean your message wasn't heard. Little do you know the difference your words may have made--to a friend, to your teenager, to your spouse, to your colleague, to your sister, your father or to a stranger. Your message may have found them peacefully singing, to their dog, on a quiet evening, somewhere.


Postnote: I found the woman's phone number in my beach bag. I'm going to give her a call. Anyone who feels free enough to sing her heart out among strangers is someone worth getting to know!

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Snapshot from our garden.

SABLET HOME - for high quality vacation rentals in the heart of Provence. Click here for pictures.           

FRANCE & MONACO We offer exclusive short-term holiday rental properties throughout France and Monaco. Click here.

Our front porch this time of year, and a few shopping suggestions to bring a bit of France chez toi!

Tour de France Roadmap T-Shirt and don't miss the boxer briefs!  Click here.

Shop for French groceries: Carte d'Or coffee, berlingots candies, cassoulet and more. Click here.

Laguiole steak knives are for sale in many of the local French market stands, and these bright colors are extra-Provencale! Order here.

Beautiful French Kitchen Towels by Garnier-Thiebaut. Order here.

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety


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Toni Cunningham

That was a God moment for you. I will pray for you and your husband to heal and to be able to enjoy God's blessings. You are so brave and kind to share your problem with others.

Aussie Leonie

Hi Kristi, that was such a special moment for you. The words of the Psalms are beautiful & meaningful especially in the world we live & so many suffering mental illness. My mother inlaw cocstantly read Psalm no 121 right up to her death & I know it gave her great comfort. We have been thru a lot of sadness & worry with our teenage grandaughter who nearly ruined her life with drugs. I prayed for her all the time along with other people & now at 18 is turning her life around. I know God gave me strength & I will continue to pray for her for the rest of my life. God is always near when you talk to him. I often say he must be sick of me talking so much!! Take care Kristi and I pray for you & Jean-Marc. Love Leonie 🙏🙏


Don’t you just love the moments that God ordains? I am an American and a Christian and I visit France often as in my travels I have developed very close relationships with a (growing) group of thirty-something’s. I have openly shared my faith, not in a bash people across the head with a bible manner, more just voicing the words the Lord puts in my head and I have learned from these young people how rare this seems to be in France. I just love that our friendships have sparked an interest in spiritual matters. On a recent visit we met a group of young people in Paris who were out evangelizing in the Marais. They stopped at our table and asked if we knew Jesus, which led to a very nice evening, breaking bread and drinking wine. As we prepared to leave, we asked if we could lay hands on them and pray over them (some were leaving for Africa the next day to do some kingdom work there) and as we did our friends who live in the area walked up. No accident as the Lord’s timing is perfect. Later on our walk back to our rented apartment, my friend Frederique commented …..You know what I love about you?.......You’ll pray anywhere. My prayer for her is that one-day she might come to know the one true King.
Please know that I continue to pray over Jean-Marc, may he gain wisdom and understanding at the end of this path through the valley of tears.
P.S. I do remember the Gideon bibles, but sadly have yet to find one in a hotel room in Paris.


What a beautiful message. Thanks, Kristin.

And Happy Bastille Day!!!


Hello Kristi (Or, should I say, "Bonjour!"),

I came across your website/blog after reading Scott Fox's "Click Millionaires." I've always had an interest in blogging, and was inspired by your story and interview on how you were able to take your love of French culture and turn it into a successful and profitable website. I'm trying to do the same.

Merci Beaucoup!



Well done, Kristi. Since you first mentioned in this blog that you and your mother are believers, I have been praying that you and Jean-Marc will both find the peace you are looking for. Should do that for everyone, and I do, but your names help personify it. You have your own personal issues, and I have mine. Funny thing is, everyone I know has issues. What your message today has done is help me out of a quandary I have had lately. I am a Gideon myself. We speak in churches about what we do, sharing Scriptures across the world, even in Paris hotels. We are supposed to have real world vignettes and testimonies to share. I have mine, and those of a few Army folks I got to know in my 34 years in the US Army. Still, it is nice to have some new ones. Of course, I never use real names, but your chance encounter, with a Gideon and his wife in far off France, will be in my sharing from time to time now. See, remind Jean-Marc that he has just helped some others by your sharing y'all's story of a chance encounter. He's doing God's work, consciously or not. By the way, maybe your new friends can get you some Gideon Bibles, and you can leave one in the next Paris hotel you stay in. That's all it takes. We did it when I was stationed at the French Airfield at Le Cannet des Maures.


Good morning, I just wanted to say hello, and to tell you to hang in there through all this. You and Jean-Marc are strong and can get through anything that comes your way.

Have a wonderful day!


Very touching encounter! Thank you for sharing.


I have to say this post is my favorite one of all; you really touched on a nerve with me, as the bikini-clad woman did with you! God bless you and yours, have faith that healing is ever-present!


...."It doesn't mean your words were not heard" So true, Kristi. Sometimes they sit it your head dormant, until you're ready to hear them. So we should never be afraid to share the good news, and then let God do the rest. Thank you for this story. I'm grateful you wrote it.


Oh Kristi, what an incredibly moving story! In addition to the message of faith, love and devoted service, to me, it's also a reminder to get out and open up more to new experiences. As I continue to move through the motions of my everyday life, I have been feeling removed from the interesting people who are out there, whose stories are waiting to be heard, to be shared. So, thank you, Kristi, for allowing yourself to be vulnerable and brave to share your and Jean-Marc's story with the beautifully spirited bikini-clad stranger, and thank you for sharing her message with us.



I just love this. I've been in that position before, fidgeting while someone unselfconsciously practiced their faith in front of me. Then, later, there's that little regret as I remember Paul's words in Romans 1:16

Step by step, we grow.

I've experienced severe depression in the past, so I will keep Jean-Marc in my prayers. I will specifically pray for freedom.

Love, Kim

P.S. By the way, I would dearly love to hear Jules' temoignage one day!!

Dawn Bouchard

I love it, Kristi! Thanks for sharing, both the warmth of the fellowship you enjoyed and also the message God placed in your heart ... our words matter to others :) I'll continue praying for Jean-Marc ... although I've always been a 'glass half full' person, the shock of having my dear daughter reject all she has ever known and been to follow a Muslim man 7 years her junior, placing herself on a very unhealthy path for over 2.5 years, has also thrown me into a downward spiral. Depression does 'suck you in' ... and it takes work to get back to a place of wholeness! The Psalms have been a huge part of my journey 'upward' ... I read through the entire book every month...more accurately, cry through the book each month. It's humbling and encouraging to see the psalmists struggle honestly with the same things I do, and then through their words find the tender Shepherd so close. That is what is getting me through and bringing me back - learning to see His Presence as the best thing, and looking for ways He is bringing 'other joys' into my life each day. Along with that, reading Ann Voskamp's book, 1000 Gifts, and recording in my 'Joy Journal' 3 'gifts' each day has been so very helpful as well. She is not your typical sanguine 'bounce around the stage' kind of teacher - her story has been and still is a struggle against depression. And seeing her 'win' day by day, moment by moment, as I follow her blog and continue on the 'Joy Dare' gives hope. And music ... where would we be without that! Keep on singing!!


I so enjoy reading your posts . . . this one especially so resonated with me. Thank you!


Beautiful Temoignage story ♥ I so enjoy you Kristi!

Heather in Arles

This is a beautiful story, Kristi. A definite Higher Power moment.


I love this story! Especially the line: Aucun prophete n'est bien acueilli dans sa patrie.
It really resonates with me and my life experience!!!
I am a happily practicing Muslim, AND love so much my Christian brothers and sisters who practice a faith full of love and who put so much effort into leading a God-centered life, like you Kristi!
Sending you peace, love & light from a reader from a sister-faith,

Kristin Espinasse

Thanks and love, Valerie, and to all who have responded, above.

Linda Karber

Dear Kristi,

Thank you for a beautiful story. Why is it we Christians are sometimes embarrassed to share our faith. I have been there with you exactly. I remember the first time we visited Paris we were surprised to find a Gideon's Bible in the nightstand drawer of our room. My prayers are with Jean-Marc. What an inspiring love you two share.


Henry's Mom

Hi Kristin, My mom introduced me to your blog...I'm Henry's girl! My parents are Chris and George :)
I read your messages and see the beautiful pictures you post. This one spoke to me ...not only because I also read magazines backwards! but because a message came to you when you needed it and that's happened to me so many times before. It's amazing how the universe sends us messages when we need them, timing is everything. After you mentioned that you looked back and the couple was gone, I can't help but wonder if the number you have will actually be a working number? My family had a situation where someone was there to help and we weren't ever able to find them again. Leaves you with a smile and a sense of wonder :)

Much love to you and Jean-Marc, the kids and Smokey!! :)

Karen Cafarella

Everyone has something to share, all we have to do is listen! Love this story.


Kathie Kerler

I have been reading your blog for years but never commented. I wanted to tell you this may be your best post ever on many levels. Best to you and your family.


Kristi, thanks for the sweet story. Twice in my travels those Gideon bibles have provided immense comfort. I actually have never searched for them in Europe, but in small out of the way countries I have found them and been so thankful, often wondering how they get there. You just never know the people you're going to meet. Thanks for sharing


Great story. The solution to most of life's problems can be found in the scriptures.

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you,  Kathie. That is good to know!

Joanne Ablan

Dear Kristi,
This is perhaps the very best story you have ever written. It comes straight and true from your real life
and loving heart to pierce the real lives and loving hearts of your readers. It's not likely that I will forget
Psalm 84 anytime soon; it is completely imprinted on my heart because of your thoughtful and gifted
Wishing you many more blessings from the bikini saint.
P.S. Who won? Portugal or France?

Diane Covington-Carter

Beautifully said Kristin. And thank you for the feature on my new book. I so appreciate it. You've helped me to get to #1 on Amazon in the 'Provence' category!

Kristin Espinasse

That is great news!

Teresa Schirmer

You know Kristin, if life didn't throw us
Any surprises, we wouldn't have much to talk about.
I truly believe that things happen for a reason. Some make us sad, some happy , some make us
Question life. But , the end result is a unique experience, made
Just for us.
I hope your husband gets better. Will pray for him.
Thank you again for the mini novellas you are so wonderful in bringing to us! Warmly ,

Eileen deCamp

Hi Kristi,

Thanks for sharing this lovely story. Maybe not a chance meeting? Maybe you were meant to sit on those lounge chairs! :-) I will keep you and your family in my prayers! I know you are going through a difficult time and I think of you and your family often.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.

Betty Gleason

Hi Kristi!
She was spot on for 2 reasons: God instructed us to sing & He created our voices, so He knows what He is doing, & according to a recent article in USA Today, music, especially singing, increases our mental health & relieves depression. "When you’re feeling down in the dumps, music can help pick you up (much like exercise). Research suggests the kind of music matters: Classical and meditative sounds seem to be particularly uplifting, whereas heavy metal and techno can actually make depressive symptoms worse." In combining music, singing & spiritual meditation, I find "The Ode to Joy" most beneficial.
Also, I believe J-M needs fewer acids & more healthy fats in his diet. Just a thought.
Hugs & peace,

Chris Allin

Dear Kristi,

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
(From the King James Version of the Holy Bible.)

I cannot help but to believe that this meaningful encounter was by providence rather than by coincidence. It also reminds me of this quote from Flavia Weedn.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."

Your story today was so compelling it moved mmy daughter to respond with a comment for the first time. You so very often leave footprints on our

Love and prayers to you and Jean-Marc.


I love this! God shows up everywhere. He's all around us, even when we least expect Him.
And, as a side note, I am currently on a work trip in Salt Lake City, UT, and what do you guess is in the drawer in my room? Yep, not one, but two Gideon's Holy Bibles! :)

Many blessings to you and Jean-Marc!

Kristin Espinasse

Dear Henrys Mom,  what a lovely surprise to hear from you! I absolutely adore your parents. Re the strangers who disappeared, I will have to try the telephone number.... I am almost hoping it does not answer,  so I can smile towards heaven.


Yeah, maybe, but there is a significant culture gap. Yr. evangelical is hypnotized and it's going to continue to make you uncomfortable. Personally, I find it better to retain my rational faculty as well as have space for ideals.

That said, this was one of yr. more inspired posts, with a couple of memorable turns of phrase - "if we weren't sitting like wet hound dogs, howling hallelujah!"


PS I have been concerned about Jean Marc ever since you said that his birthday is on March 29th. It's the Seven of Clubs in the Destiny System; "spiritual knowledge." Concerned, because its proper orientation is toward the intangible world - philosophy and spirit - whereas JM seems to focus on the tangible; farming. He has a lot of psychological work to do. One simple and supportive resource to start with are 12-step meetings. He has to find his own path rather than borrowing someone else's, as with the church.

Maria Cochrane

Dawn - good advice. I love Ann Voskamp's book and practice. After all, Jesus gave thanks and then went about doing good.

And Kristi - Psalm 84:11 is one of 'my verses' - NO good thing does He withhold from those who are blameless (all known sin confessed and forgiveness accepted!). When Mike was going through sleepless nights due to heart palpitations, I would like in bed affirming: Lord, if Mike is sleepless again, then this must be what YOU consider a good thing. So I will trust you.

and The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want/lack. Those truths kept ME sleeping on those nights.

Kristin Espinasse

Chris, please tell your daughter how much it meant to me to see her comment! And thank you for sharing my blog with her!  I love the verse about entertaining angels, and thank you for the quote and comment about the footprints on the heart. You leave them every time you comment.


Our dear Kristi,
You have written many(too many to count!)wonderful posts,but
today's is absolutely the best of the best.Your beautiful soul and gifted words radiate light,inspiration,hope and love.
Please know that you and Jean Marc are in our prayers.
Blessings always.

Natalia xo


merde! less prayer and more action fro all those "crhistians" ":cretins"
could you please leave out your bible thumping
remember separation of church and state en France.


Best. Post.Yet.

Young Paciello

Kristin - it's been a long time since I sent you a comment but I couldn't resist. Never, ever be ashamed of the Gospel or your faith. Jesus will welcome you into Heaven but he would say: why were you ashamed to proclaim yourself as one of mine?" France is a very pagan country (remember, I grew up there and lived there for almost 25 years!) so anytime you give your testimony, you do not know if your words will not at some point blossom. God's Word never falls in vain. You may be the only gospel someone ever hears.
Je price pour toi et at famille.


So beautiful, Kristi!! My Joy in your post is reaching all of the way from here in the U.S. to you in France. Thank you so much for your Love for Jesus!! And my grateful thanks to the woman who witnessed to you and Jean-Marc. God bless, C-Marie


Dear Kristi, I so appreciated your temoignage when I read it early this morning, as I always appreciate your positive, encouraging messages. Now here we are this evening with another piece of horrible news, and it is, as always, difficult to focus on what's good in the world when confronted by so much that is bad, and unbearable. I want you to know that many people must be thinking of you this evening and sending abundant caring thoughts your way. Please update us all soon so we know that you and your family are safe. Hold each other close and we will all pray for better days, for all of us.

Frederick ROBERTS

What linked Diane Covington-Carter with the following tale about Gideon Bibles? Did I miss it?

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you,  Judi,  we are waking up now and hearing the news. After the shock, we are sickened with grief. Thinking of the victims and their families.

catharine ewart-touzot she touched a nerve for you touched a nerve for others..and that is how God works!..Glad you have her telephone, and glad you decided to share this event.

Suzanne Dunaway

After the horror in Nice, where two of our dear friends decided NOT to go to the Promenade des Anglais, our hearts are sick and aching. Remember that all Muslims are not terrorists. Remember to speak to your Muslim neighbors, to your Tunisian neighbors, remember that ISIS is made up of specific, often mentally unstable followers. What you say does matter, Kristin, and there was a very good message in this wedding party blog. But, still, our hearts hurt terribly.


After all of these beautiful responses, I hesitate to bring this up, but I thought you'd like to know "Today's Word" is misspelled - I don't think there are two n's. :) you have it right everywhere else. I think you are very brave in singing with new friends, in public, whether off or on key. I would have been too embarrassed and uncomfortable. I think I must be a bit more shy than I thought. I learned something from you today. Wishing you and Jean-Marc well.

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you for your thoughtful note,  Suzanne. So true!

Mary liz

I have not had the time to read your blog in quite awhile. I was sad to hear of your husbands depression.
Hoping he finds a way through it. With such a supportive mate ...I think he will be OK
Mary Liz

Mary liz

God ...such terrible news from France ....those families ....the anguish. Where will it end?
Mary Liz

Imogene Cloar

Kristin, I loved today's story and have one of my own. My husband and I were traveling in Germany and France in the summer of 1995, and early one Sunday morning were on our way by train from Bonn to Paris. He was a law student from the University of Tennessee and had been selected for the Trans-Atlantic Summer Academy in Bonn. I was a French teacher collecting pictures and interviews to impress my students later. We decided to celebrate Sunday morning by reading some Bible verses quietly together in our private train car. My Dad, a Gideon, had given us a New Testament for the trip which the Gideon's called "the Swiss Model." It had the full New Testament in German, French, and English in the same hardbacked volume. Another couple entered the train car, and the lady exclaimed, "You're not supposed to steal those from the hotel!" I explained that the volume was a gift from my Dad, but the Gideons were always pleased when a Bible went home with a traveler, and they had to replace it.


What a lovely story, Kristin. We never know when and what we might learn from the people we encounter if we are willing to open our hearts and listen.

Am thinking about Nice this morning and hoping no one in your family was there.

Tami Dever

My heart is so happy to read this story, Kristi! God sends people to impact our lives in the most unexpected places, faces, and ways. So glad you're going to reach out to her! HUGS.


Remember that your ideas about God and christianity are simply ideas. They are not Truths. When you start evangelizing you become a self proclaimed promulgator of something that is no more than an idea buzzing around in your head. As a non-croyant I do not ever try to influence others because what one person needs is not what another person needs. Keep your religiosity to yourself or else advertise your blog as a christian influenced blog.

faye lafleur

Personally, I like psalm 139 but whatever works...we cannot get away from God no matter where we go...and one does not even have to be "Christian" to be in Gods presence. If we were a little more ecumenical, the world would not be going mad today.

I pray you & your family are safe & not involved in the terrible tragedy in nice.

faye lafleur

P.S. Photos are magnificent and filled with Lfe/God.


Dear Kristi - I am so happy you met these "angels", especially the day before the terrible events in Nice. On another note, I thought I was the only (leftie) person that looked at magazines and catalogs from end to beginning. It's something I've always done. I pray for peace for France and the world. The tragedy in Nice will not prevent me from returning to France to experience its wonderful culture and to make new friends.


"I do not ever try to influence others" yet you tell the author of a blog to keep her thoughts to herself. Hmm...

Perhaps you should have lunch with
alienor and sargam.

Bon appétit!

Lauren Golden

I see how so many people are helped and comforted by their beliefs. My experience working as a therapist in the "Bible Belt" gave me a different view. Many people with depression try to cure themselves by doing as their preachers advise, reading passages of the Bible and praying. This encourages more repression of the issues at the bottom of the depression and only creates a sense of failure and hopelessness. Some are even driven to suicide and it broke my heart to hear about them. Depression can be treated but needs a professional therapist with psychodynamic training along with an understanding of medication.

Do you see how divided the world is, by religion?

Tom Johnson

I remember when I first came to France as a boy hearing the warning "Beware of the Arabs" I did not understand what that meant. I cold not understand how you were suppose to recognize who was an Arab and who wasn't, and I did not comprehend what I was suppose to pay attention to.Later in life on other trips to France it was explained to me about the racial prejudice that had been occurring since the Algerian war.I have no clue what this man's motive was. Perhaps it was Isis or perhaps a revenge on a people whom he felt so alienated from.Whatever, this is not a solution.La France vous restez dans mon coeur.
AS per the depression, it is a very tricky illness. It causes immense fear and anguish.I was able to get through two episodes in my life by forcing myself out of my room and pretending that it did not exist. With a little Klonopin, cognitive therapy, and a philosophy of "fake it until you make it" I came out on the other side much wiser and healthier than I ever was.A psychiatrist once told me that these depressions eventually will burn out on their own.Hang in there, mon vieux, things will improve.
P.S.I also prayed just to cover all my bases.

Diane Young

Chere Kristi, Give thanks for the wonderful experience of meeting a disciple in modern day France. It happens rarely and too often we don't know how to handle it. Please call her. I don't think you'll ever regret it.

Mary Neely

Dear Kristi, your lovely story makes me think of visiting the Cathedrale in Bourge when a woman began asking us tourists to sing out a note in that vacuous space. We were all too timid except for one young man who uttered a tremulous sound. She began to sing, almost a chanting sound all around his note that became bold as their voices reverberated from the high arches. I always wished that I had had the nerve to participate in that mysterious spiritual moment.
My enemy also is depression ,so I have been feeling close
I haven't learned to snap my fingers and sing the Psalms but I find them comforting in my quiet backward way. Here"s one I like. Ps.40. "I waited patiently for the Lord's help: he heard my cry. He pulled me out of the dangerous pit, out of the deadly quicksand. He set me safely on a rock and made me secure. He taught me to sing a new song.

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you,  Mary. That was a mysterious and beautiful and rare moment. Thank you also for Psalms 40, which I just read aloud to Jean-Marc,  via your comment. God bless you and all who share here.

Kitty Wilson-Pote

Contrary to the three trolls's comments above, Dear Kristi, I love your openness about your faith and its role in your wondrous day-by-day recovery and living of life. May they come to appreciate that this is YOUR space. I am a buddhist who happens to revere the Psalms and other biblical readings, even though there's no 'God' as such in my faith. These writings speak to my heart too. There are many honourable paths to human spiritual evolution; it hurts no one to learn about others' guiding lights. Above all, it is good to seek common ground, and to reinforce the values that we SHARE.
So, for me, this account of a memorable encounter with a couple of Gideon angels who crossed your path at a time that made their enthusiasm stand out is GREAT. You have been blessed. Warm affection and best-most good wishes for continuing to step through the shadowlands of depression together to the sunnier days to come.

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you,  Kitty!

Virginia Ward

Dearest Kristi
Some days you move me more than others, like today. You are so beautiful from the the depths of your heart, right to every cell of you! I believe God puts people in our lives to keep us connected with Him. At least he did for me when I met Jan in 1983. For 33 years she has kept me nearer to God. Maybe the bikini lady is your "Jan".
All the best to you and Jean Marc ❤️


Dear Kristi, Thank you for sharing your uplifting encounter with a temoinage. Your blog was better than the national headlines. People sharing the Good News is what really brings hope and encouragement.
I appreciate your openness.


How exciting! You have been in my daily prayers! It's nice to know when you get an answer!

Always continuing in prayer...


well said carolyn! if you ae religious keep it to yourself i don't proselytize my belief or non-belief. this is entirely personal and should stay that way. be fair and respect others. that should be the human code of conduct!


how about devoting some or all your prayers to the dying in syria, the starving in sudan and anywhere else in the world that is a mess.if you do believe in prayers why dont you concentrate your prayers for those unfortunates.n the well off couple living in france can survive their little troubles compared to the dying and starving thruout the world. compassion for the rest rather than the fortunate

Alice shupe

A God moment indeed ! The Psalms are full of encouragement and authenticity. I often pray them out loud. Love the idea of singing them. God's word does not return void. May it bring healing and hope to you and your husband through the Holy Spirit.


What a refreshing story! Thanks for posting about this. It's rare to meet someone so guileless and open about her faith, and I wish I could bump in to more people like the woman in the bikini.

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