Yada yada in French + Your favorite words and expressions
L'Herbe in French & Les Tondeuses de L'Espoir (The LawnMowers of Hope)

Vocabulary Roundup + Listen to all the French words shared in February

If you read all 9 stories posted in February, you now own a herd of new French words! Let's go over the terms we learned. First, take two minutes to relax and listen to the list of words (you will have another chance at the end of the post):

=>Hear Jean-Marc read the vocabulary words listed below

1. Bilingual Story: Tondre, Domaine Tempier, and Tant Pis
(click on title to read the original post)

s'installer = to move in
un troupeau = flock
un berger = shepherd
concurrencer = to compete with
malgré = in spite of
tondre = to mow
tant pis = too bad

2. Vallon: An update on our move...to Le Beausset?
(click on title to read the original post)

isolé,e = isolated
coup de coeur = a sudden crush on something
le vallon = little valley

Smokey our golden retriever on loveseat by the hollyhocks

3. Soins des Animaux: Why can't our dog sit down?
(click on title to read the original post)

la cloche = bell
un cambrioleur = burglar
le bruit = noise, sound
le collier = collar
le câlin = hug, cuddle, caress
à ta place = go to your bed
couché! = lie down!
méchant = bad
enflammé = inflamed
35 kilos = 77 pounds
la pommade = cream
se lécher = to lick oneself
le comprimé = tablet

4. Candidature: Applying for a job in France + Jackie's cover letter
*Bilingual Post*

le saisonnier = seasonal worker
la vendeuse (le vendeur) = sales assistant
la sauveteuse, le sauveteur = lifeguard, rescue worker
consignes de sécurité = safety instructions
efficacement = efficiently


5. Pronunciation Fears + Most Difficult French Words to Pronounce

la quincaillerie = hardware store
- squirrel

- three

dessus and dessous
- above and below

- (the French town)

- happy

le pouilly-fuissé - type of white wine
la chirurgie
- surgery

la fourrure
- fur

la grenouille
- frog

6. Stylo: Is Handwriting Still Necessary?

la trousse = pencil case
le crayon = pencil
le stylo bille = ballpoint pen
l'art de vivre = lifestyle


7. Hayfever in French

le Doliprane = medication containing paracetamol
le microbe = germ
désole(e) = sorry
je suis enrhumé = I have a cold
peut-être c'est les allergies = maybe it's allergies
le rhûme = cold (sickness)
le rhûme des foins = hay fever
c'est la saison = it's the season

8. Fourmillement: Restless Leg Syndrome in French

la jambe = leg
les membres inférieurs = lower limbs
le picotement = tingling, stinging, pins and needles
désagréable = unpleasant
rester assis = to sit still, stay seated

9. YadaYada : Your Favorite French Words & Expressions

et patati et patata = and so on, blah, blah, blah
le bavardage = chatter, idle talk, gossip

intarissables = endless, inexhaustible
les paroles = words, lyrics
deviner = to guess

Listen once again to the vocabulary words listed above

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety


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This is really useful Kristi and many thanks. It's what I ought to do for myself but haven't had the time or organising skills. This edition of your blog today is like personalised French tuition as it's based on recent activities and interests, so it's much more motivating and meaningful for me than a formal course. And I can access it when and where I want and as many times. It ticks all the learning boxes for me of listen, understand, read and write. You're a woman of many talents and one of them is helping people to learn.

Eileen deCamp

Thanks Kristi! Happy March! I LOVE all the photos especially the one of Smokey! :-)

Pamela Federline

Kristi, this was a great help to have a summary of words in a review! Merci!

Trina from St. Petersburg, FL USA

Oh, so pretty ... and useful! Thank you.

Allen Laskin

I flinched when you first said that "microbe" in French meant "germ" in English, but now that you repeated it, I must respond. As a professional microbiologist, I need to say that "microbe" is a perfectly good English word, and usually preferable to the term "germ". "Germ" usually refers to a disease-causing microbe. The vast majority of microbes are not disease-causing, and many are extremely beneficial. The yeasts that turn your grape juice into wine are microbes, as are the bacteria that can turn the wine into vinegar, The multitude of microbes in your digestive tract are crucial to your health (think probiotics). In most cases, the word microbe is preferable to the word germ. I love your blog!

Marie L.

Merci mille fois!
It's so helpful to have the vocabulary review.

Cynthia Lewis

THANK YOU both, Kristi and Jean-Marc! This is a wonderful format for the review of words introduced in the previous month's postings. Many thanks, again!


Our dear Kristi,
THANK YOU for this wonderful Vocabularly Round Up!
You have everything so well organized(makes it much easier to transfer it by subject/lesson into my journal.)
Especially appreciate hearing these words pronouced they way they should be!
Oh!Such lovely pictures!Just fills me with tranquility.
Natalia. xo
PS I have given up trying to find a nice pencil case!I remember one I purchased(long ago) at WH SMith in Paris,and the ones I see available now are nothing like it.


Coup de coeur - Yet another reminder of how different the construction of French is from that of English and how exact translation is impossible. I've been reading a book described by the author as "A Guided Tour of English". It has lots of history of English and there are constant reminders of the impact of French and other languages over the centuries. Reading your column, Kristi, is such an integral part of my thinking.

The book, by the way, is called "The English Language" by David Crystal.


Love hearing JM pronouncing les mots des mois! And so many nouveaux. Merci.

Cynthia Gillespie-Smith

"The Roundup" is a brilliant idea, Kristi! Hope it becomes a regular feature of FWAD!

Roseann Milano

Excellent lesson. And thanks for including my hardest word: quincaillerie.

Leslie NYC

I really love the roundup too. It makes me feel I am not only having a great time, but adding quite a few words to my brain too! Merci!

Deborah Zajac

I love this February Vocabulaire Roundup! Merci!

J'adore la porte bleue aussi!


Yes, the porte bleue was beautiful. You have a wonderful eye for such things Kristi. One of my favourite things to do in an old city abroad is to walk round looking at doors - in the "old quarters" in particular. My best finds have been in Cartagena (Colombia), Avignon and Florence. What is it about doors? They evoke memories? They lead to an old and a new world? We cannot go through them, only in our dreams.


Enjoy the new format. Thanks for the word review.
Best of luck in your new life.

Faye in Glenden Beach, OR

Hi! I've tried to catch up with your previous posts -- but I don't understand: have you moved yet? I wish you the best even thou I'm confused!

Stay well!

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