Did you know The French Salt rule?
L'un pour l'autre + Deciding with (or for?) a family member

Vocabulary Roundup : the French words we learned in May

Fred and Mom dancing 2015
Fred and my Mom dancing, in May 2015

Happy Birthday Fred Caswell!
Fred turns 90 today! He is one of the first readers I ever met, around 2005, and I have had the pleasure of seeing this Middletown, Rhode Island resident several times in France: at our home in Les Arcs, our first vineyard in Ste Cécile-les-Vignes, and here at Mas des Brun. Fred and his beautiful wife, Nancy, are a great inspiration -- for their caring hearts, sense of adventure, and desire to continue growing and learning. It is never to late to study French! Thank you Fred for your wonderful example.

Have you missed a post? Pas de problème - here's a list of all the newsletters that went out in May. Click on the titles to open the letters:

1. Two things about the Premier May...

le premier mai = First of May
la fête du travail = labor day
le muguet = lily of the valley
le jardin = garden
le mas = farmhouse
un agrume = citrus fruit
une fraise = strawberry
le brin = blade, sprig, wisp
le sanglier = wild boar
une fleur sauvage = wildflower

90-second video: check your French comprehension here. You know these two words; but do you recognize them in spoken French?

2. Draguer: At what age are we too old to be noticed?

le rasoir = razor
la plaisanterie = banter
n'est-ce pas? = isn't that true
ah, bon? = really
tu t'es fait draguer? = you got hit on?
la jalousie = jealousy
vous cherchez? = are you looking (for something)?
la barbe de trois jours = stubble (stylish stubble)
gentil = nice
je ne sais pas = I don't know

3. Pétou: A little Provençale word (guaranteed to bring a goofy smile)

lilas (lilas d'espagne) = red valerian
santolene = santolina
le genêt = scotch brush flower
le sentier = path
littoral = coastline, seabord
le quai = dock
le pétou = little fart
soi-disant = so-called, supposedly
les copains = friends


 BORDEAUX AND THE DORDOGNE small group tour Sept 18-26 - culture, cuisine & wine. Click here for itinerary.

4.  Laisser le champ libre : French Presidential Election

la cote = ratings, popularity ratings
gagner = to win
perdu (perdre) = to lose
élu (élire) = to elect
terni (ternir) = to tarnish, damage
laisser la place = to give up one's seat
accroché (accrocher) = to hang on
rancoeur = bitterness, resentment
laisser le champ libre = leave the field free (exposed, unprotected)
remporté (remporter) = to win
crains (craindre) = to fear
selon moi = in my opinion

5. Lovers Quarrel and Sudden Hankering for a Snack

clouer le bec = to shut somebody up
la paix = peace
la prise de bec = argument
le boudoir = woman's room for pouting, little office (also a "ladyfinger" or finger-shaped cookie)
le bidet = sink for washing your bottom
étroit = confined
l'ennui (m) = lack of interest, boredom


6. Wise Words Concerning Beauty

bichonner = to pamper oneself
lèvres (f) = lips
bonté = kindness, goodness, generosity
mince = thin
faim = hungry
un beau maintien = poise
une main secourable = a helping hand
vieillissant = getting older

7. Mon Grand: A Father's Tender Tribute to His Son

lorsque = when
déployer = to spread (wings)
tu nous manques = we miss you
un métier = career
fier = proud
le parcours = path, journey

8. A Popular Way to Wear Espadrilles

quincaillerie = hardware store
porter = to wear
T-shirt blanche = white T-shirt
faire la bise = to kiss on the cheek
manches longues = long sleeves
On est des sosies = we're twins
la recette = recipe
du fil à retordre = to give somebody a hard time
tiens = hey
bleu marine = navy blue
en savate = with heel folded down

9. A Recipe for Generosity

envers = toward
un raccourci = shortcut
le chef =chief, master, chef
l'artichaut = artichoke

l'avarice = miserliness
la pingrerie = stinginess

radin(e) = stingy
c'est trop gentille = it's too kind
la recette = recipe

10. Forest Bath + Your tips for curbing anxiety

faire du sport = to work out
à pied = on foot
avec de quoi grignoter = with something to snack on
le sentier = path
le bénéfice =benefit
l'inconfort (m) = discomfort
merci d'avance = thanks in advance

Kristi making-parsley-pesto
Making Parsley Pesto with Smokey

11. The French Salt Rule - did you even know there was one?

une paillote = beach café or beach restaurant
les bonnes manières à table = good table manners
voici quelque chose pour ton blog = here's something for your blog
une règle = rule
femmes débordées = overwhelmed women

Yellow chair in Jonquieres

April Vocabulary Roundup - click here


Smokey cooling off in Ste Cécile-les-Vignes. We are told the yellow irises--and not lilies?--were the original model for the fleur-de-lis symbol.

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety


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Eileen deCamp

Hi Kristi,

Thanks for the vocabulary round-up and love the photo of your Mom and Fred dancing. They look so happy! Happy Birthday to Fred too!

Faye LaFleur

Thank you for lovely photos! Yellow Irises remind me of my mom (now deceased) who had them in her yard. Smokey makes it pic perfect....also pic of your mom and Fred dancing....I bet she is a hoot and knows how to enjoy life to the utmost degree! Love their attitude and joie de vivre!
On this Memorial Day I remember our courageous military, past and present, who have made possible our freedom to live, dance and celebrate life. Thank you for what you have done for us...we remember and honor you.


I'm new to the blog and enjoying it immensely. Especially as it allows me to dabble in improving my oh-so-rudimentary French language skills in such a painless fashion. The vocabulary recap is a nice touch. Thanks!

Patricia Cowan

Smokey in the water...how COOL is that!!?

Karen Cafarella

Just love the pic of Jules and Fred. Happy Birthday Fred. And of course your beautiful photos always brighten my day.



Our dear Kristi,
What a joyful post today!Made even better with such beautiful pictures!
Happy birthday to Fred!Many more in health with his Nancy!
What a wonderful picture of him and beautiful Jules dancing!Makes us want to dance ,too,just for the happiness of this day!
THANK YOU,Kristi, for this terrific vocabulary round up!
Helps so much to have it all together and itemized by post,especially with links to past ones.
Natalia. Xo

Chris Allin

Dear Kristi,

Happy Birthday to Fred! He is amazing.

Eagerly awaiting your mom's safe arrival. Can't wait to see and hear about your adventures with her!

Faye, Gleneden Beach, Oregon

Thank you so much for all of the voc words!! Best wishes to Fred and Cheers to your mom. I would love to read her travel blog!?!

Stay well!


The vocal recap list is such a good idea Kristi. Thank you for all the trouble you take with the blog.


Now that's a great blogging friend..and vice versa:) Great shot:)

Angela Bell

What a great "vocal" list! Kristi, thank you!

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you, Dan! So good to hear this and glad to have you with us!


Thanks for the great recap! I love all of these photos, but the one of your Mom and Fred is absolutely sublime. That is true joy!!! Jules is such a beautiful woman, easy to see where you get your stunning beauty!

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