Enquiquineuse: The famous French advocate who was known as a pain in the neck
Thursday, November 30, 2017
I woke up this morning thinking about my grandmother, Audrey Young. I was remembering a phrase she shared with me at the end of her life, in a nursing home. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease!" she would say. It meant that if you don't pipe up people will not help you!
Sister Emmanuelle, who we learn about today, would have high-fived my Grandma Audrey--and then the two might have enjoyed a gin and tonic together :-) Here is today's word and a profile on a most amazing femme française as part of our discussion on homelessness.
: a person who is a pain in the neck
AUDIO FILE: Listen to Jean-Marc read the following sentence in French
Click here and Listen to "enquiquineuse"
Mieux vaut passer pour une enquiquineuse qu'on respecte que pour une gentille qu'on piétine.
Better to be regarded as a pain in the neck that one respects than a nice woman that is trampled on.
--from the book
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To Be a Woman at Work: What you need to know to succeed but what no one tells you...
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by Kristin Espinasse
Y A L L A !
Soeur Emmanuelle was a French nun, well known as one of France's favorite personnages. Born "Madeleine Cinquin" in Belgium, at the age of 22 she left her dancing shoes behind--along with that devilish grin (ah, men!)--took her vows, changed her name and became a professeur.
Diplômée in Philosophy at the Sorbonne, she went on to teach in Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia. Though she taught Literature and Philosophy, such intellectual heights never interfered with her street smarts which kept her--and her giant heart--close to the pavement: the pavement that is pauvreté: cold, walked upon, fragile and cracked... and littered with trash. Trodden and overlooked, this "pavement" was something she would never let herself forget.
Poverty... ignited a revolt within her, leading to her outspokenness, to her famous "franc-parler," which often ruffled the feathers of her frères and led to her being labeled an "enquiquineuse": a veritable pain in the neck, a pro-action pest!
Which brings us smack back to the pavement and to those poubelles. You might say (in a chuckling way) that trash defined her. She might have been "Soeur Chiffonnière," for she "housed" herself next door to the trash gatherers, or "zabbaleen" (many of whom are children), in one of Cairo's worst slums, where she settled after her "retirement". Troisieme âge, for her, would be spent in combat, always a "combat du coeur": from the heart, for the helpless.
There in a lice- and rat-ridden bidonville, home for her was a 4-meter square room--without water, without electricity. According to Dr. Mounir Neamatalla, a leading Egyptian expert in environmental science and poverty reduction:
"She was living right among them, the garbage collectors, the pigs, the whole mess. I had never seen anything like this in my life... You could see one of the worst qualities of life on the planet, but in this inferno was an enterprising population that worked like ants."
Working side-by-side with "les misérables" Sister Emmanuelle advanced toward her goal, raising money to build schools and hospitals. She also created vegetable gardens for the poor to nourish themselves. Her roommate, Sister Sara, spoke of her character, saying that when a problem arose, Soeur Emmanuelle exclaimed: "On va foncer!" to which Sara softly suggested that they might first pray for guidance and direction. For Sister Emmanuelle, "direction" seemed to be something you sought after first jumping to your feet!
So is it any wonder that, asked about her favorite word, Sister Emmanuelle shouted with glee: "Yalla!" Asked to translate the word, she responded, "En avant!"
Amen, Sister! "Forward march" all the way. Your lumière may have gone out, just three weeks shy of your 100th birthday, but your legacy lights our consciences today...and tomorrow--and for as far into the future as the pest that is poverty stretches its condemning claws. Thank you for showing us that a selfless heart, coupled with awareness, is just not enough. It also takes yalla (yalla-yalla-yalla!) to relieve misery. First we must jump to our feet... then inquire about those directions.
For more information on Soeur Emmanuelle's charity: visit www.asmae.fr
le personnage (m) = character, individual; le professeur (m) = teacher; diplômé(e) (from "diplômer" = to award a diploma); la pauvreté (f) = poverty; le franc-parler (m) = outspokenness; le frère (m) = brother (religious); la poubelle (f) = trash or garbage can; chiffonnier (chiffonnière) = rag picker; le troisième âge (m) = retirement; le bidonville (m) = shanty town; les misérables (mf) = the destitute; on va foncer! = Charge! (Let's get to it!); la lumière (f) = light
A must-read! Pick up a copy of Soeur Emmanuelle's book in French
After posting Soeur Emmanuelle's story the first time, in 2008, I read a fascinating response to it in the comments, by Intuit:
"Soeur Emmanuelle" was a remarkable example of a most necessary social behavior, altruism. She devoted her life to helping others. This trait is natural to humans; it evolved long ago as the 'glue' of all socially organized organisms: the 'whole' is more than the sum of its parts when self and others have equal weight in our decisions and actions.
Now, more than at any time in human history, we humans must encourage altruism within our families, locally in our communities and through our group actions from afar, as Nation and Planet.
Here is the secret behind altruism: it is elicited through release of oxytocin within our brains. This hormone is the ultimate 'feel good' chemical because it is the essence of love, friendship, and tolerance of others. It is fundamental to the building and maintenance of social networks built with trust, respect and affection.
It is our social networks that ensure individual and group survival during difficult times. The payback in this equation is that these social networks improve brain repair as we age through reduced chronic stress. We 'share our load' with others.
It is oxytocin that normalizes our thought patterns, tamps down brain-damaging responses of fear, aggression and anger. It enables us to readily appreciate our present, rather than living in the past or longing for our future that short-circuits our perception of the passage of time.
From deep in our brains, it normalizes our secretion of dopamine and serotonin, so that we feel pleasure at our successes and keep to productive daily patterns, rather than sink into depression while mired in unproductive circular reasoning and action.
Alongside prayer and meditation, it is the practice of altruism that underlies all spiritual belief.
Exemplary humans like "Soeur Emmanuelle" have an abundance of affection for the poor children of the world - a model of courage, trust and love.
Also check out The Original French Tumbler. Made of Picardy glass, these are suitable for hot or cold drinks! Click here to order.
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety
Ain’t evolution wonderful? Nothing happened to nothing and eventually we developed the capacity and facility to derive pleasure from doing good for others. All totally random without design or direction or reason. Informidable.
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 11:56 AM
Trying to get my email off of here....steep learning curve!
Posted by: Muriel | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 01:42 PM
Muriel, thank you for sharing about your visit to Cairo. I have deleted your first comment, to remove the visible email address, and am pasting that comment here:
I once visited the garbage city, a part of Cairo, in a tour bus and the recycling that goes on there completely amazed me. And people live there; partially because they are heritage Christians and were not allowed to live in the city in times past; and partly because recycling (and the garbage pickup that goes with it) is their livelihood. They have an amazing cave cathedral there. The area pierces one’s heart.
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 01:50 PM
Thank you for reminding us that there was another Mother Theresa in our world. It is difficult to understand why these saintly people give up so much to help the poor . But thankfully they do and we are allowed to see Christ among us!
Posted by: Geraldine Ventura | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 02:15 PM
I have told my cousin in Houston that JM and son will be there at the café Provence and that they should to meet the two and mention that they know Suzanne. Let's hope he goes--he is a wine aficionado and loves good food.
Posted by: Suzanne Dunaway | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 02:20 PM
Thank you for this post. First I have heard of this wonderful woman. Her face is so full of love it brought tears to my eyes.
Posted by: Nancy | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 03:32 PM
Hi Kristi,
Thank you for sharing Sister Emmanuelle's story again. What an amazing human being! I wish my French was better so I could read the book!
Posted by: Eileen deCamp | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 04:30 PM
It is amazing to me that in the presence of overwhelming poverty, someone who is also
´poor’ believes she can make a difference. Sr.
Emmanuelle is a wonder. I don’t believe bio-
chemistry can completely explain her, though
it is helpful. Thank you for the Advent light.
Posted by: Joanne | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 05:04 PM
Our dear Kristi,
Once again,your wonderful post today not only fills me with inspiration,but also awe and gratitude that God put such an incredible person among us--hopefully to follow her example of a pure heart and determination to help those in need.
I will never be able to emulate her spirit,but maybe in my own small way,I can do soomething of value today for someone looking for help.
Thank you for such a reminder.
Natalia. Xo
Posted by: Natalia | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 06:27 PM
Worth noting that there is a masculine version of this word, "enquiquineur"
Posted by: Alan | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 06:32 PM
Wonderful story. Merci, Kristi!
Posted by: Cate S | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 07:30 PM
Yes indeed. Thanks, Alan!
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 07:42 PM
Beautiful story Kristi! God has and continues to walk among us. Thank you for the reminder.
You mentioned that Jean-Marc and Max will be in Portland, OR next December??? Did you mean this December as in the December that starts tomorrow? My husband and I would love to meet them and some of the fine wines he produces! We recently moved to Tualatin, OR from VA and how lucky are we that we will meet half of the family that I have read so much about!
Posted by: Robin Wyatt | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 08:25 PM
Thank you, Robin! Yes, that is this December. Glad you can make it!
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 08:38 PM
We don't know how random, but it's certainly reasonable. And even if it were purely random, powerful evolutionary forces shaped us.
Posted by: Sargam | Friday, December 01, 2017 at 06:57 AM
An illuminating and inspiring post. A step further than Emerson's. "Do the right thing, it will delight your friends and confound your enemies. Today marks two years since my son Sam with friends launched the Refugee Community Kitchen in France making fresh restorative food available at the rate of 2,500 meals day for those far from home and comfort. Help has sustained the bold venture from many countries in the shape of edibles and volunteers and freely given skill. Like the lift off of a bumble bee it looked to me impossible to start or sustain; but it has weathered many setbacks and flourished putting fresh heart into many one meal at a time. As a mother I am proud as a human being I am hopeful.
Posted by: Briony Jones | Friday, December 01, 2017 at 02:04 PM
Kristi, you are an inspiration. I am constantly delighted by your big heart. Thank you for sharing. By the way, biochemistry does give a scientific explanation to changes in the brain, and one tool to achieve this subtle transformation is by the use of proper breathing, oxygenating the brain, leading to higher states of awareness and consciousness. Concentration and breathing are pinpointed techniques taught by Kriya Yoga Meditation. You will find vast numbers of people with the same noble motives working silently behind the scenes to better the world one by one. God gives you everything, love Him. ❤️
Posted by: K.J. Laramie | Friday, December 01, 2017 at 03:20 PM
Thank you Kristi for another beautiful and inspirational post.
Truly uplifting. Reminding us of the powerful impact of positive thought and induvidual and collective action in these challenging times. Loving deeds can change the world.
Posted by: Sandy | Friday, December 01, 2017 at 05:08 PM
If you keep some ones in your coat pocket, you can give them to those you may want to help without getting cold or exposing your wallet in a crowd. It helps me to keep my heart ajar, knowing I won’t give away the family farm.
I can look someone in the eye and say, “Sure. Here you go.”
I learned this from Mychal Judge, the legendary fire dept. chaplain who die at the World Trade Center.
Posted by: Leslie NYC | Sunday, December 03, 2017 at 08:05 PM