Two brothers at Aldi and riots in France
Thursday, June 04, 2020
L'Ile Verte. The green island, here in La Ciotat, for a peaceful image to begin today's post.
Today's Word: chercher ses mots*
: to be at a loss for words
*I settled on this "word of the day" following the struggle in writing a story in these sad, scary, and emotionally-charged times. Thank you for reading with open hearts.
A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE by Kristi Espinasse
In the parking lot at Aldi I was loading our groceries, Mom's, then mine, into our car, when I saw two familiar faces. It was the funny duo behind us in the checkout line. Turning to the brothers (who were twins?), I smiled:
Je voulais vous remercier pour votre bonne humeur. Ça fait du bien--surtout en ce moment. I hope they understood my French, and my appreciation for their funny commentary back in line, when they were snapping each other's face masks and reminding one another to keep at a safe distance from the next customer. They were regular Laurel and Hardys in the age of coronavirus!
The short, gray-haired men, so full of antics back in the store, suddenly grew shy, in a French version of Aw, Shucks! "Well," one of the guys offered, you've got to have a sense of humor in times like these!"
"C'est sûr!" I agreed, adding, "Are you from La Ciotat?"
"My mom and I are from Arizona," I shared.
The men grew thoughtful. "A lot of upheaval in the US right now..." one of the brothers reflected.
"Here in France, too..." I said, mentioning the riots breaking out in Paris and beyond.
"Non!" The brothers replied, in a possible misunderstanding (were they unaware of the émeutes?).
"Non!" They affirmed. "We are not racist!"
I think the brothers were referring to themselves--or possibly to our region? Either way, they echoed the feelings or beliefs or ideals of many.
Our conversation ended in awkward silence, one that lingered. Later that day the brothers' words returned to mind. "We are not racist." I understood what they meant. I believe they were sincere. I know I am too! My last thought came as a surprise: But is that enough? Is it enough not to be racist?
Je voulais vous remercier = I wanted to thank you
bonne humeur = good humor
ça fait du bien = it does one good
surtout en ce moment = especially at this time
une émeute = uprising, riot
I leave you with a peaceful image taken here in La Ciotat. Thank you for reading.
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety
Thank you for this story - so simple and yet so powerful! Your last lines are so important and give us all food for thought.
Posted by: Carolyn, New Mexico | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 07:33 PM
There is an excellent book by Robin DeAngelo called White Fragility, written by a white woman addressed to white people on this very subject. Very worthwhile read.
Posted by: Barb | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 07:35 PM
This is a scary time we are in now. First covid and now the riots. Both are too close to home for me. I understand being upset but a riot is not a good way to change things. Do stay safe and well.
Posted by: Buffy | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 07:42 PM
Of course there is racism in every country , however I always assumed that Canada has far less of it. I was both shocked and saddened to witness some racism to a good Korean friend.
I have trouble understanding how anyone can hate a person they don’t even know. 😢
Posted by: Jerry Wood | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 08:06 PM
Thanks for this story.
I live in Minneapolis where more than 300 buildings have been burned, looted, or vandalized (in the Twin Cities). My daughter lost her post office, three grocery stores, her pharmacy, hardware store, UPS store, and many other shops and restaurants. Her mail was burned in the post office arson fire.
I am 70 years old and there is a hurt in our city that I have never experienced before. It is gratifying to see the worldwide protests and support for racial justice and for my city. This is history.
Posted by: Fred Gustafson | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 08:10 PM
Hi Kristin,
It's all very sad and I keep praying. I often thought what more can I do? I keep thinking if we all could just live by the golden rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" the world would be a better place.
I find some of the things I've seen posted on social media ring a bit fake to me. People are all of a sudden reading books on racism, donating to NAACP, etc. or posting a black square on IG which I don't see helping at all. If people weren't doing these things before, why all of a sudden? I agree with people protesting the death of George Floyd which was horrific and shouldn't have ever happened and those officers need to be in jail. I don't agree with all the looting, vandalism, etc. The protesters when they get violent and damage cities are hurting people and businesses who live in their communities. A lot of the rioters are coming from other states, so it is organized groups causing the most damage and destruction.
Posted by: Eileen deCamp | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 08:39 PM
Our dear Kristi,
Thank you for this most timely and touching post.
Having survived the Rodney King riots,I am once again
Reminded that racism is the thing that must be embraced by both sides,without bias.
And remembering Roosevelt:"you have nothing to fear but fear itself"(hard as that is)--another one I find comfort in by Curchill: "if you are going through hell,keep going"
We WILL survive.
Posted by: Natalia | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 08:40 PM
First Covid-19, then the videoed murder of George Floyd, then pain and anger, then protests and demonstrations. Then infiltration, riots, militarized police. A lot of time and a lot happened between the corona virus arriving in the US - as early as December and certainly in January - and the death of Floyd, protests and demonstrations in May and militarized police in June. Yes, it is all scary - all of the inbetween stuff as well. 🙏
Posted by: Claire | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 08:46 PM
Very good. I cannot add to your story or your thoughts. You covered it all!
Posted by: Cathy | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 08:48 PM
But, who has a solution?
Posted by: Phyllis | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 09:11 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful and compassionate posting. I think it's the "awkward silent" you noted that we have to get past and move toward authentic communication.
Posted by: Bill Clark | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 09:17 PM
I think you meant “humour” not “humeur.”
Posted by: Nancy Dowling | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 10:15 PM
I think that just "not being a racist" is not enough anymore. We must act. Thanks for tackling this, Kristi!
Susan in Ontario
Posted by: Susan Barnabe | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 10:18 PM
I share your concerns, Eileen. Like you, the Golden Rule is always first and foremost in my mind ... no colour of any kind involved.
Posted by: Patricia Sands | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 10:19 PM
Thanks for sharing this simple and authentic interaction, Kristi. Let's hope everyone keeps talking, sharing and moving forward in the most positive way for everyone. <3
Posted by: Patricia Sands | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 10:26 PM
I and probably many of your readers are part of the white privileged. We don’t always understand what it is to be black or brown or Indian or Asian in America (or in other places in the world). You hear the stories of what they have gone through, how they have to tell their children what to do if they are stopped by a cop. They do not have the same freedoms which we - the white privileged - have.
There have been peaceful demonstrations and then there are the extremists, the rabble rousers who start the destruction. They come form other cities or states to cause riots.
Then there are the “good” people who give water to protesters or take them into their homes to protect them from the military.
America is a melting pot of people and we need to live together and be treated the same, given the same education and opportunities. We need to respect each other.
Sorry for the long response but we are all angered by yet another death of a black person. Plus we are stressed buy the confinement from Covid19.
I pray for America, the world and people of every color, sexual orientation and age. We are in this together and together we need to all work to make the the world a better place.
Posted by: Kathleen | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 10:45 PM
From a friend who is a perfectionist et qui t'aime bien!
REGULAR LAUREL AND HARDYS - c'est ça le pluriel.
Le "'" indique le possessive -
Kristis = plusieurs qui s'appellent Kristi
Kristi's son - le fils de Kristi
Difficile l'anglais et vous allez la conquerir. Je voudrais tant parler le Français comme vous! C'était ma première langue étant toute petite mais l'anglais l'a vite remplacer......
Posted by: CJ Snitiker | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 11:04 PM
What a lovely and poignant post!! Unfortunately, some people are more interested in correcting grammar...rather than absorbing the message of your post.
Thank you for sharing your everyday experiences and relating your stories!
Posted by: Robert | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 11:13 PM
Thank you Buffy for saying this truth. What happened here in America was inexcusable! But so are the riots. We can not fight injustice with injustice, and I am truly incensed by any American, black or white, who supports stealing and setting properties on fire, etc.. Racism will never be solved this way. Blessings to you.
Posted by: Cate Tuten | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 11:43 PM
Eileen, I so agree with you. Humanity has many ills, with racism certainly one of them. But these riots are lead by selfish, hostile people. And you are right---it is very well organized. When some of our public leaders condone this madness it becomes doubly pathetic. As a Christian I know hate, as evidenced in these riots, will never bring about peace. These 3 policemen were absolutely wrong and will go to prison. But these rioters are doing nothing to stop racism. We need God more than ever.
Posted by: Cate Tuten | Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 11:57 PM
I debated with myself whether I wanted to reply to Robert's "holier than thou" comment. How do you know that those who correct grammar did not absorb the message? The message is important and so is the grammar!
Posted by: Lauren Golden | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 12:11 AM
You understand 'being upset'. This is not being upset, this is out and out murder which has been happening since the first slave.
But don't worry it isn't just the good ole USA, it's all first world countries with blood on their hands
Posted by: elain | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 01:11 AM
I will never understand people who are more aggrieved by destruction of property than wanton destruction of a human life. Does it really matter if protesters are “organized” or “outsiders”? I live in a sleepy town 30 miles from Boston. When I want to participate in an organized demonstration (a Constitutionally guaranteed right), I go into Boston. Does that make me an “outsider”?? Seems to me we are always being manipulated into fearing THE OTHER...the immigrant, the outsider, the person with a skin color unlike our own. I am SO proud of my fellow citizens who have taken to the streets (overwhelmingly peacefully), to protest this latest outrage.
Posted by: Bonnie L | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 01:41 AM
... l'anglais l'a vite remplacé
(if we're going to be perfectionists, after all, hein?)
Posted by: Vanessa | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 02:47 AM
HUMEUR is French for humour (BrE) / humor (AmE)
Posted by: Vanessa | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 02:52 AM
Yes it is! Thank you Fred.
Posted by: Vanessa | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 02:53 AM
Cette fois , je me suis souvenu de ce que je fais avec les mots anglais dont je veux me souvenir - j'ai recherché l'étymologie:
ÉMEUTE : Etymologie de ÉMEUTE - › etymologie › émeute
Translate this page
ÉMEUTE, subst. fém. Étymol. et Hist. 1160-74 esmote « mouvement, explosion, éclatement (d'une guerre) » (Wace, Rou, éd. A. J. Holden, III, 9909); 1326 spéc.
Le mot dérive d'esmote « mouvement, explosion, éclatement (d'une guerre) »
Ce faisant , j'ai été surpris d'apprendre que le passé simple du souvenir se forme avec " être " , au lieu de " avoir " . Je pensais que seuls les mots de mouvement utiliseraient " être " .
Posted by: Franck Chappell | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:10 AM
I agree with you Eileen. There was a peaceful protest in our town the other day. After it ended, another group came in to loot, break windows and vandalize. I think people are very stressed about being locked down for so long and an uncertain future. There is racism in Europe. If you don't look or dress a certain way, you'll be looked down upon.
Posted by: Margaret | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:27 AM
Kristin , Je suis tellement étonné du courage (ou de l'insouciance) des jeunes de Hong Kong ! Ils sont plus courageux que moi . J'ai aussi peur pour eux. Mais je me souviens des " Justes parmi les nations " .
Posted by: Franck Chappell | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:28 AM
I think we also need to speak out against racism of any kind vs being silent. That can be uncomfortable, and I have regretfully been guilty of being silent at times in the past, but other times I have spoken up against a remark someone's said that they may have not even realized was racist.
May I suggest listening to Brené Brown's interview with author Ibram Kendi on Brené's Unlocking Us podcast? It can be found on her website, no special app needed, at
PS Wow, yes, I'd say to Robert, and agree with Lauren, (but I know no one sees the replies unless they tune in again to reread the comments), that I thought Kristi encourages (!) grammar corrections.
Posted by: Trina in St. Petersburg, FL USA | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:29 AM
Moi , autre fois : C'est difficile de comprendre qu'après que le policier eut asphyxié George Floyd , il n'a pas tenté de le réanimer , aucun des policiers n'a tenté de le réanimer . C'est " l'échec de s'arrêter et de rendre l'aide " .
Posted by: Franck Chappell | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:46 AM
Thank you for today's story. It kept bringing to mind the signs I see in some of the news videos: "White Silence = Black Deaths" and I wonder if I have done enough over the years. Fortunately, I have rarely been silent about racism but I often wonder, again, have I spoken out or done enough? My mother told (taught) me, at a very young age, by age three or four, I believe, Jim Crow stuff was just wrong and a load of you know what.
Posted by: Rick Spring | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 05:05 AM
Franck Chappell, all the reflexive verbs are conjugated with etre.
This evening, people from my church (who have been meeting remotely for weeks) gathered on the church grounds, six feet or more apart, wearing masks, and holding candles. No one spoke. It was a vigil, intended primarily to honor George Floyd and victims now and throughout our history. I have been appalled by everything, including using military force against peaceful protesters and even journalists, arrested without cause. I used the half-hour to think of those we have lost, to pray for those who are left, to wonder what else I can do. But speaking up is certainly something we can all do - both to label racism everywhere we see it, and to do what we can to actually stop some of what we see. I like to think I would have tried to pull the police officer off Mr. Floyd's neck. We won't know until the time comes what we might do, or would be able to do, in a situation that might arise, but there must be something we can do. We can write to officials, and this fall, vote. In our area, such positions as sheriff are voted on, so if we have a bigoted person in office, we might be able to vote him/her out. And I truly hope we can elect a different president, one who is more sensitive to racial injustice.
Posted by: Marianne Rankin | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 05:28 AM
I thank you, Kristi, and also Marianne, for bringing light on all this tragedy in the midst of attempting to get back to some kind of “normal.” Violent destruction and looting serve no purpose except to drive everyone and everything backwards into despair. The guilty should be punished, but not innocent small business owners who are struggling for survival. Indeed, we need to “come together” to defeat racism, opportunistic looting, anger and hatred. We all have value and must strive to love one another and live in peaceful, respectful brotherhood. - Janet
Posted by: Janet | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:20 AM
Thank you, chère Claudette. I often make the *apostrophe before s* mistake, and do not catch it when reviewing my post. This helps. Thank you.
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 07:00 AM
Thank you, Robert, for your kind words about my story. They are appreciated and so are you. Regarding the corrections I receive, these follow a request I mention at the blog: *All edits welcome and so helpful.*
Thanks again to all who submit edits, and very sorry for any misunderstanding.
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 07:05 AM
General Information about Race:
The mid-twentieth century racial classification by American anthropologist Carleton S. Coon, divided humanity into five races:
Caucasoid (White) race
Negroid (Black) race.
Capoid (Bushmen/Hottentots) race.
Mongoloid (Oriental/Amerindian) race.
Australoid (Australian Aborigine and Papuan) race.
As far as I am concerned, there is only ONE race and that is the Human Race. The teachings of Jesus instructs mankind to show to love one another. Matthew 5 v 44 "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".
A bitter pill to swallow when you have been on the receiving end of someone else's unkindness, hatred or persecution - and often very hard to "turn the other cheek".
I like what Marianne said in a previous post......"I would like to think that I would have tried to pull the police officer off Mr Floyd's neck". That made me think very hard. Yes, that's what I like to think I would have done......That something would have rose up within me to SAVE George Floyd (despite the danger in that situation). To lay down my life for George.
But that didn't happen - and every individual that stood around George will now have to consider - "Why didn't I do something to help George"? (other police officers included). Too scared? Worried about the consequences? Let's not blame any bystanders, but consider that Police officers were there to UPHOLD the law - not break it. So they are now accountable by that same law, for their actions, past...... present....... and future (what will their actions now be when they face the Court Judge and eventually face their Maker?
But the moment to help George came and passed by in 8 minutes. Yes, it's right to speak out for the injustice and to be angry and upset. YES! it's right to try in future to help others, but not by becoming law breakers ourselves and not by fueling anger, hatred and fear in others.
There's also a pandemic (as we all know!) There won't be many people that won't have been affected in some way by the current pandemic. But there are lots of lawbreakers rebelling together by breaking the social distancing guidelines. Let's not even go there on that one! Something rose up in those people wanting to protest about George's death. I understand that - but they've all got to now consider their actions in doing that at this exact moment in time. Shall we all join in and break the social distancing rules and create a second wave, or third wave of the pandemic? There will be a time when George's case WILL be heard. and will the earthly judge and the Jury uphold the law when he or she or they are faced with the right thing to do? The eyes of the world will be watching........
Posted by: Jane | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 08:05 AM
Nope. It's not enough to be not racist. It's important to be anti-racist. We all have racist tendencies, even if they are not intentional. The system was built that way.
And yes, France can be racist as well. Maybe not in the same way. I spent a semester abroad in Toulon in 1997. I don't know what it's like now, but the Front National was quite prevalent.
There is so much heartache here in MN right now and hard for me to even see family and friends from afar posting pictures and making comments and judgments from afar without really knowing or understanding what's going on.
I really hope that such a horrific incident will be a catalyst for real change. But not being racist isn't enough.
Posted by: Carrie @ Season It Already! | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:18 PM
I loved that interview with Dr. Kendi! I shared and recommended it to so many people.
Posted by: Carrie @ Season It Already! | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 04:19 PM
I, too have heard french friends say "we are not racist". I heard this at my very first visit to france 15 years ago, and on at least 4 of mu subsequent visits. After hearing that for the first time, i started observing where in french life the minorities fit in. At that time in Paris, the people picking up the trash cans and the garbage were black. The men doing construction heavy labor were people of color. There were modern, ugly high rise apartment poor repair covered with grafitti, with burned out cars in their parking lots. "Those are where the africans live" i was told, almost in a whisper. The bus drivers seemed to be mainly people of color. Functionaires? Mostly french. Sending in a resume for a job? A handwriting sample was required, as well as a picture. These two items could eliminate poc and foreign nationals, due to France's distinctive writing style. When i asked about tgese practices, jobs, ghettoizing, again i was told "we are not racist". Last year, shopping in paris, we encounteref seversl women in burkas. Enraged, my friend yelled at them. "You canno wear that here", and she told management to call the police. Apparently there is a law that faces must be shown. But, the agression from my normally timid friend shocked me.
In my heart, i know that they think they are not racist. It is a national french mantra, a face they express to the world. But, i wonder what they think racism is? How do they define it? Because that will tell us what they think we are like, when, it seems. They are very much like us in their attitudes. They just don't know it.
Posted by: Diana Porter | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 05:02 PM
Well said.
Posted by: Catherine | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:15 PM
You need to distinguish between the protestors, 90% of whom are completely peaceful, and the agitators and looters, who are out to inflame the situation and/or profit from it.
Posted by: Catherine Stock | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:21 PM
I am sorry to say that you are wrong about their being no such thing as white privilege. There most assuredly is. (Full disclosure: I am white, and live in Florida, US. Have lived in the American South my entire life.)
Why do I say that white privilege exists? Because (1)I never had to lay down rules for my white teenage son to keep him safe when he was out of the house. No rules needed for him about how to act, what to wear, how to respond if stopped by the police. Imagine for a moment what an extra burden that places upon parents and children. (2)I have never been denied a bank loan because of my zip code. Redlining--which is a real thing--is something black people have been dealing with for decades. (3)I have never had my vote suppressed because of the color of my skin. Also a real thing that has happened in America since the days of Jim Crow, and is happening right now in my state as the League of Women Voters and other organizations battle in the courts the state governor and legislature trying to impose a "pay to vote" requirement on Amendment 4 that passed in 2018 restoring non-violent felons' right to vote. The "pay to vote" (meaning fines and fees that the state government cannot even determine the amounts owed) requirement predominantly impacts black people. Many returning citizens do not even try to register to vote because they are afraid of getting arrested for committing voter fraud--thus a chilling affect.(5)And don't even get me started about the incarceration rates of blacks compared to white people. I will stop there, but you really need to think about what you said. If you can honestly say that any of these things ever happened to you *because you are WHITE*, then you will understand what white privilege is. Respectfully, Katy Pace Byrd
Posted by: Katy Pace Byrd | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:22 PM
Biden is a good start.
Posted by: Catherine Stock | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:23 PM
Sweetness?! You’ve lost me.
Posted by: Catherine Stock | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:35 PM
Well, I find it very concerning that 'white privilege' is being used loosely, this incites hatred. And should be a word flagged...just like other hate speech! There is no need to take this kind of action. It was not right that this man was murdered...but does anyone know who he was? why was he arrested? what is this action so needed destruction of homes, business, looting stealing..what does this accomplish.
Posted by: Martine | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 08:25 PM
Update: the comment above Katy's was deleted. I believe it was a troll, given a string a strange comments left by the same ail address. Sorry for any confusion. Thank you Katy and Catherine for your comments.
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 09:02 PM
The question you pose is all important. No, it is not enough to not be a racist. We have to talk about racism and fight against it. We also have to look within ourselves to see if we harbor, unwittingly, any racist attitudes.
Posted by: suzanne | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 09:28 PM
I believe you mean well, Jerry Wood. And that you're a caring person. Let's not quantify racism. There is or there isn't. It's not as if we're baking a cake and measuring sugar by the cupful. And, let's not conflate hate with racism. You've admitted that you can't understand. Perhaps that could motivate you to read White Fragility or watch the movie 13th. By educating, we gain perspective of the road the other person walks and the reasons behind the 'hate'. I hope you can translate your troubled reaction to working to remove racism, to becoming an antiracist no matter how much racism you believe exists.
Posted by: Rosalind Mustafa | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 10:21 PM
No, unfortunately, it's not enough, Kristin. It's not enough to say 'I'm not a racist'. I'm not dishonest, but I never correct another in a lie. I'm not a thief, but I witness theft and say nothing. No, white people must actively work to remove the barriers that prevent equal access and justice for all. They must correct others who behave or speak against others because of the color of their skin and recognize how their own ignorance (lack of knowledge) is perpetuating racist stereotypes and inequality for others. Privilege is often taken for granted by those who have it. Read and study to move outside of oneself , to become uncomfortable enough to acknowledge that , yes, I may not be racist, but I am not working against racism. Black people must listen and accept the honest actions to change. We must understand that those with privilege have a tough battle ahead of them to open their minds and hearts. It's not just up to changing the police because police reflect what the system has allowed and has taught. Systems must change. Expectations must change. We must all speak out in the name of justice and equality for all. Silence is violence.
Thank you as always for candor and honesty, for humility and for laying bear the hard topics and emotions. I have watched your children grow into fine adults and watched you evolve and grow, also. I am grateful for that view.
Roz Mustafa
Posted by: Rosalind Mustafa | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 10:33 PM
Thank you for this, Suzanne
Posted by: Rosalind Mustafa | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 10:34 PM
I am not a troll. I am Francaise and you people are just la-ti-da, with too muh money.
I support Marine Le Pen and Rassemblement national. More and more French people do.
My "strange comments" did not go through because they had French quote signs---.
Posted by: Carmine Dalle | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 11:08 PM
There is no white privilege. There is white people working hard. Black people working hard. All people working hard. We are the middle class.
BLM is the racist.
Posted by: Carmine Dalle | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 12:01 AM
You all must get hard. I and my husband came here from France to get away from what you are all saying.
Posted by: Carmine Dalle | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 12:02 AM
Love and appreciate your comments Patricia, (your writing also ☺️) I will also add my comments here. I’m frustrated and saddened because we as a country were in complete agreement over the situation with George Floyd and then when the riot groups came in it set everything backward , this can never be condoned. There is definately a bigger agenda going on in my country. As long as race is continuously brought into the equation racism will not go away. I cannot and will not support BLM as I do find it a racist group in of itself based on my research. (ANY group that elevates itself above others is racist ) and is an anti police organization. We appreciate the fact that MOST officers are risking their lives daily to affect good and keep our society safe for ALL . I am fearful for their lives just as much. They are husbands, wives, fathers mothers daughters and sons just the same.
Posted by: Dawn Johnson | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 01:52 AM
I read this book, Barb! It is a book that should be read by all white people. It makes salient points that may be hard for us to face!
Posted by: Ann Raven | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 01:58 AM
Dearest Kristi, our brave writer extraordinaire,
Thank you for opening this subject up to the light of day, a subject not often examined fully other than in times like this!
Words are powerful.
If I had witnessed that act of unconscionable, disgusting treatment of another, I’m pretty sure I would have spoken up vehemently, something like, “Stop! You’re killing him! Do you want to pay the price?” Sometimes shaming others who are in power and out of control need to hear it.
It is simple ...
if you can be anything, be kind.
Do good, be good.
Posted by: K. J. Laramie | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 01:13 PM
One way of knowing how racist one is by taking the Harvard IATest.
Posted by: betsy foree | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 06:35 PM
Dear, in case you haven't heard, white privilege is about the fact that your life isn't made harder because you are white. It does not erase the struggles of any individual white person. I read "BLM is racist" & I know that you aren't listening. Put the very real needs of the safety & survival of others beyond your fear of misrepresentation. The world needs it.
Posted by: Ashley J. | @postmodernindigenous | Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 07:36 PM
My husband and I have made our lives harder, ourselves. We came to this country to get away from those in Europe who would not let us improve our material class no matter how hard we worked. We bought houses and made them good and improved, and then rented them to good families. We worked seven days per week for twenty years. We are now going well. We are providing for our children. Yet you call this White Privelege. I resent your attitude. We have many black friends are they are hard at work just as we have been because they are middle class, like we are. We don't lie around and wait for anyone to make our life harder or easier. We take the action, make it harder ourselves, and know that it will bear fruit in this wonderful country. WE made our lives harder than you could ever have imagined and anyone can do it if they want to for the long run and for their children.
Posted by: Carmine Dalle | Sunday, June 07, 2020 at 01:08 AM
I agree with your comments about the pandemic. I work in a hospital in Southern California and am counting on a Covid surge 2 weeks from when the protesters first started. I do support their first amendment rights however I fear that will be an inevitable consequence.
As far as bystanders saving George Floyd's life- sadly, let's be real. No one would have gotten close to him- the other officers wouldn't have let that happen. In the video, people were begging for them to check his pulse, but they were powerless. The only people who should be held accountable are the police.
Posted by: Jeanine Woods | Sunday, June 07, 2020 at 01:57 AM
Thank you for your eloquent and thought provoking post during this difficult time. I appreciate your candor and questions which have led me to do some serious self-reflection. We all need to start by taking inventory of our own thoughts and beliefs and go from there. Love and respect are first and foremost.
Posted by: Jeanine Woods | Sunday, June 07, 2020 at 02:17 AM
Maybe generations of oppression and police brutality could have been avoided if black people had thought of asking nicely for racism to stop?
I think we all need to stop and really think about why people have been moved to do this destruction of homes, businesses etc etc. Are they just thugs? Or have they not been listened to for decades, and have run out of ways to express themselves politely?
I'm not convinced the police who murdered Floyd would even have been charged with anything, had someone not filmed it, and had people not protested it.
Posted by: James | Sunday, June 07, 2020 at 06:42 PM
I whole-heartedly disagree. BLM is not elevating itself above others. It is attempting to draw attention to a crisis. The common argument is that All Lives Matter. Well, that is obvious. When Hurricane Harvey hit Houston or the Boston Marathon was bombed, and phrases like "Houston Matters" or "Boston Strong" came to the forefront, everyone stood and rallied around these tragedies. No one, during these crises would cry "But All Cities Matter".
Living just outside Minneapolis, I can telling the majority of protests were peaceful. We had multiple RVs come up from out of state to hide behind the protesters and incite riots after dark. Most of the burning was done by white agitators. Some were caught. Others, driving vehicles without license plates fled on foot when stopped and left behind where rocks, incendiaries and assault rifles within.
I do agree that police officers are risking their lives daily and that most officers are inherently good. But the system is broken. And what some hard-working law enforcement adhere to in order to keep their job or pension might just be to stay in line and avoid rocking the boat.
Change is needed regardless.
Posted by: Carrie @ Season It Already! | Monday, June 08, 2020 at 02:54 PM
I would lie to reccoend TN. Coates book, " Between the World and Me". Powerful and revealing portrait of life as a black man and relevant to all minorities all over the world.
Posted by: Gail Accuardi | Tuesday, June 09, 2020 at 04:47 PM
Search Candace Owens on YouTube and watch. What a smart young black lady that has the courage to speak up.
Posted by: Lisa Gru | Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 12:36 PM
Thank you, Kate. Well said.
Posted by: Robbie Lane | Friday, June 19, 2020 at 04:47 PM
Sorry, Cate.
Posted by: Robbie Lane | Friday, June 19, 2020 at 04:48 PM
The French Revolution was a ‘riot’ too I suppose...
Posted by: Deborah | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 02:05 PM