Papa Chéri: Our Father-Daughters’ Reunion at Sea
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Bubbles in Barcelona: Enjoy the story of our father-daughters’ Mediterranean reunion in today's entry “Papa Chéri.”
Sweet Dad, Darling Dad
A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE by Kristi Espinasse
It’s 4:15 a.m., and I’ve just hugged my sister, Heidi, goodbye. She is on her way home to Denver. In another three hours, it will be time to send off our other sister, Kelley, and our dad, who will fly back to Seattle. We have just spent nine days together, laughing, reminiscing, and toasting to this collective effort to be together once again—and the sunny Mediterranean was the ideal backdrop for our family reunion at sea!
After our dad launched the idea of a father-daughter voyage a few years ago, it was our little sister who tracked down the ideal seven-day séjour. Kelley, a flight attendant, learned about Azamara cruises thanks to her colleague Susie, who is experienced in les croisières. Being cruise novices, we weren’t sure what to expect, but since our goal was to spend time together and celebrate Dad’s upcoming 83rd birthday, we didn’t really care about perfection—though that’s exactly what we got!
Our Mediterranean itinerary began in Spain and stopped at ports along the south of France. While it may seem strange to go port-hopping so close to home (Collioure, Marseille, Toulon, Sanary-sur-Mer, Nice, Monaco—and even Ajaccio are familiar spots), I appreciated my family’s willingness to travel in my direction. My Dad was hesitant, but agreed to traverse three international airports, security, customs, and the rest. He was accompanied all the way by a first-class flight attendant—Kelley—which made the deal a little sweeter.
There in Barcelona, before boarding Azamara’s 700-passenger ship, Onward, my sister Heidi and I waited our turn in line to check our bags. Ahead of us stood a tall, beautiful blonde and a distinguished gentleman who could have been her father. That’s because he was her father—only onlookers could easily make the wrong assumption! We needed to have T-shirts printed to clear up any confusion. One would read “That’s my Dad” (with a large arrow) and the other, “That’s my daughter —>.” On second thought, why not have Dad’s T-shirt read “Sugar Daddy” and give those accidental gawkers something to gossip about! Given the range of characters aboard our ship, there was no shortage of misconceptions, and we enjoyed every minute of people-watching—and making our own colorful conclusions.
After checking our bags and going through security, we boarded the cruise ship and headed straight to lunch, poolside. Incidentally, poolside would be the only part of the ship we’d easily recognize, as we never did figure out exactly where we were on the 181-meter-long, multi-storied vessel. To borrow a line from our sister, “Passengers tend to check their brains with their bags…” Kelley means that tenderly, as that’s what vacation is all about: relaxing the mind.
With seven days ahead of us, we had plenty of time to orient ourselves. Though I still can’t tell you whether these places were bow, starboard, port, or stern side, here are the spots we frequented most: the Cabaret Room (for evening entertainment, including Disco Night and Bingo), the Den (for the piano bar), the walking/jogging track for daily exercise (and a spectacular early morning view of the latest port), the library, and the various eateries.
Every morning, we began with breakfast at Windows Café. The selection was vast—from le saumon fumé to pancakes—it was, as the French say, l’embarras du choix, overwhelming! Each night we dined at Discoveries Restaurant, and it was as good as the fine dining (five floors up) we experienced the first night. Lobster, filet mignon, crab cakes, lamb… the selection was gastronomique. Everything was cooked to order and delicious. Located near two onboard boutiques, the Mosaic Café was my favorite stop for a twice-daily latté and les gourmandises (cookies, carrot cake, lemon tart). There was even an array of dainty tea sandwiches. Ordering whatever you desire felt like being Charlie in The Chocolate Factory. On this cruise ship, everything is included—even le pourboire! My conscience was rattled at every meal, but the waiters insisted waste was dealt with ecologically (if not geographically. In a perfect world all the untouched food would be packed up at delivered fresh to the ports for immediate redistribution).
Our room being located above the bow, we were shaken awake that first morning by the lowering of a massive anchor! We dressed, had breakfast, and took a tender off the boat to reach our first destination: Port Vendres. Just in front of the tourist office, we stepped onto Le Petit Train, heading towards Collioure. The weather was so sunny and warm, people were swimming in the sparkling cove—in October!
We made it back to the boat for lunch and a little siesta, followed by drinks and dinner. We repeated this agreeable schedule daily (except in Marseille, where we met up with Jackie for a private shopping tour and lunch near Le Vieux Port. Aunt Heidi and Aunt Kelley were delighted to see their nièce, but Grandpa stayed on the boat, nursing a slight cold. He would gladly catch up with his granddaughter later in the week).
As for catching up, on this trip my sisters were on a sentimental mission: to make up for lost time. Heidi and I grew up in the Arizona desert, while Kelley was born and raised in Washington State. Beginning when Kelley was a teenager, we three gathered whenever possible, but a geographical distance made it challenging. Now, in mid-life, here we were, together again and taking enough pictures to crash our dad’s phone. We may not have a family picture or Christmas card from bygone days but, ouistiti! there was no stopping us now.
“Here, let me help you with your hair,” Heidi said one evening, offering me a salon-worthy blowout. She had this amazing brush and, after enough hints, she gifted it to me just to shut me up! Like teenagers, we shared each other’s stuff and savoir-faire, as siblings do. Kelley offered us each a trousse de toilette, filled with lotions and potions and we all giggled when Dad chimed in, telling us how much he enjoyed the eye mask. We had to give Dad credit for managing to participate in all our girly conversations, though he drew the line at window shopping, or “lécher les vitrines” as the French say (literally “licking windows”). We could spend hours in antique stores and boutiques at every port.
During the cruise, we each reveled in one-on-one time with Dad. While my sisters enjoyed father-daughter conversations on the sundeck, I relished our indoor tête-à-têtes, always tender and amusante. Over coffee with Dad at the Mosaic Café, we were talking about tap water when Dad casually mentioned he was drinking from the bathroom sink in his cabin. “Dad!” I cautioned, “You can’t do that!”
“Sure I can. I drink tap water all the time.”
I called the barista over to explain why this was a bad idea, given how much bleach they use to treat seawater. Dad allowed the young man to elaborate before replying, “Well, it may have some imperfection... but it’s not poisonous imperfection! I’ll stick to the cabin water!”
Speaking of cabins—or “staterooms”—Dad and Kelley shared one with twin beds, while Heidi and I were one floor below in a near-identical layout. Everything was comfortable except the temperature… and so began the thermostat wars. My sisters, with their Antarctic leanings, would’ve been better climate companions for each other. Dad and I prefer heat, so when the girls were sleeping, we turned up the dials!
One night, on our way up to the Atlas Bar on the 10th floor for our evening apéro—“Parisians” (champagne cocktails) for them, Perrier for moi—an elegant couple entered the elevator. Dad, captivated by the woman’s beaded jacket, flashed me a mischievous look before swiping at a string of dangling beads on the back. Unbeknownst to the glamorous fashionista and her civilized companion, the beads swayed innocently. I almost died!
“Dad!!!” was our not-so-indignant response to every mischievous word or deed coming from our papa chéri.
One particularly poignant evening balanced out these daily shenanigans. Over dinner, we asked Dad about his time in the Air Force, when we were with him in the Philippines, after he married Mom and adopted Heidi. He told us very little about the Vietnam War, but his visible sadness spoke volumes. As we quietly contemplated Dad’s words, a passenger from a nearby table appeared. “Thank you, Sir, for your service,” she said, simply. There followed a cosmic lull: time stood still. Next I knew my sisters had tears in their eyes. I felt a ball form in my throat imagining the full impact of war—on those targeted and those sent out to target others. Glancing over at Dad, I saw tears in his eyes for the first time.
In addition to so many tragic losses, there was the fallout among families, too. As Kelley dried her tears, I reminded her of something our Mom (Heidi’s and mine) often says when we feel sadness about the breakup of our family. According to Jules, “If it wasn’t for the divorce, we would have never gotten our precious Kelley!” (who toddled joyfully into this world after Dad remarried and who, all grown up now, became our compass on this trip, handling all the logistics and guiding us through the ports).
That emotional night brought a tender closeness to the rest of our chanceux father-daughter journey. As we disembarked from the ship, we felt a wave of gratitude for the way this time together had fortified our family ties. The sunny ports of the Mediterranean were enchanting, but it was the shared stories, laughter, and meaningful moments with Dad that made our trip shine. We raise our glasses to those memories, now, Tchin! Tchin!—and to our papa chéri.
Post Note: Papa chéri in French translates to "sweet dad." You might say our would-be Sugar Daddy T-shirts are fitting after all! :-)
Me, Kelley, Dad, and Heidi. Thanks again, Susie, for recommending this outstanding cruise company. We toasted to you every night--including White Night, which is a tradition onboard. (It was the chance to wear my wedding dress once again!)
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post. Your comments are a joy to read and your edits and suggestions help so much. Click here to leave a message.
Audio File: Click here to listen to the French terms below
la croisière = cruise
le séjour = stay
gastronomique = gourmet
la gourmandise = treats
le pourboire = tip
le saumon fumé = smoked salmon
la pâtisserie = pastry, cake
Le Petit Train = the Little Train
le Vieux Port = the Old Port
la nièce = niece
ouistiti! = say cheese!
la trousse de toilette = toiletry kit
le tête-à-tête = one-on-one conversation
amusante = funny
le barista = a person who serves coffee in a coffee bar
lécher les vitrines = window shopping (literally "lick the windows")
chanceux = lucky
l’apéro (m) = pre-dinner drink
moi = me
papa chéri= sweet Dad, darling Dad
chanceux = lucky
tchin! tchin! = cheers
With sincere thanks to the following readers for their recent donations. Your continued support brings life to this journal and keeps it going. Merci du fond du cœur! — Kristi
Susan G.
Holly R.-J.
Carol Lynn S.
My son picked up "Words in a French Life" at one of our Little Free Libraries here in Shorewood, Wisconsin. I treat myself to a chapter every morning and dream of being transported! Thank you! --Carol Lynn
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety
You outdid yourself this time, Kristi!! It's a keeper, learning about your beautiful family, hearing about the ports, and your sensational photography. God has blessed you with so many talents, and I for one appreciate YOU.
Posted by: Diane Heinecke | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 12:42 PM
Hi Kristi,
What a fun trip with your dad and sisters! I was wondering if your white dress is your wedding dress?
Lovely photos and memories!
Posted by: Eileen | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 01:14 PM
Hi Eileen, Thanks for remembering! Yes, it is my wedding dress from the town hall wedding in ‘94. It was just the occasion to be able to wear it once again.
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 01:26 PM
Thank you, Diane. Your words are as encouraging as ever and keep me going. And I, for one, appreciate YOU!
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 01:27 PM
Hi Kristi,
I enjoyed your post, as always. I would just like to make a gentle correction that a father-daughters' reunion should have the apostrophe after the 's' since the reunion 'belongs' to all the daughters.
Posted by: Petra Douma | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 01:47 PM
A beautiful recounting, Kristi.
Thanks for taking us along on the cruise.
You have a lovely family.
(I fell in love with Collioure!)
Posted by: Sue J. | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 02:14 PM
Thank you, Petra. This is so helpful. Off to fix it now….
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 02:16 PM
Everything about your family time was a blessing; one that each of you will keep
in your heart forever! Thank you, Kristin, for sharing these sweet moments with us, your readers.
Posted by: Susie | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 02:35 PM
Very touching family reunion - brings up memories from my youth with family. A cruise was not even an option back in the day - having a travel savvy sister is a great thing. Thank you for sharing - remembered an art week I spent in Coilliuer in the 90's. Very special place. You are all fortunate indeed. Enjoy the weekend.
Posted by: Nancy | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 03:48 PM
Kristi, What a wonderful voyage and the telling of it. You will always have these memories. I cherish all of the ventures I took with my mom and sister (two of which included visiting with you). I see you wore your wedding dress. Aren't you glad you pulled it out for your anniversary and had it cleaned. So many different souvenirs as we say in French.
Posted by: Suzanne in Monroe, NJ | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 04:05 PM
What a lovely reunion.
Being with family is so important.
I just returned from a week in Portugal with my two daughters and sons-in-law to celebrate my 85th birthday. Portugal was beautiful but when they asked me what was the highlight of my trip, I responded “being with you, all of us together.” I believe you would say the same.
Thank you for sharing this special time with your papa cheri.
Posted by: Janine Cortell | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 05:48 PM
Our dear Kristi,
The only thing more beautiful and loving than you,ma chere,is your wonderful family and the warm closeness you share together.
Not seen often enough or embraced these days,
this truly wraps itself around our hearts.
Through your pictures and gifted descriptions ,all those glorious surroundings (!) we are brought right there with you.
Especially am thanking God for answered prayers to see you feeling well again-- and,of course,filled with happiness as always.
Arms tight around all of you
Posted by: Natalia | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 06:39 PM
Your wedding dress!! How lovely...I miss my father more than words can express....He, having been a surgical tech during WWII, would never discuss his wartime experiences either...How fortunate you all were to spend this precious time with him, and together...Eileen
Posted by: Eileen Burns | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 06:40 PM
Thank you, Kristi, for a wonderful post. I was with you every step of the way. I am so glad that you all had such a good time together. You have this extraordinary gift for seeing the good in every situation. And yet you are touchingly honest. You remind us that no families are perfect and you keep us from the temptation of saying "If only". Your generous spirit shines through all that you write.
Posted by: Jeanne Goulding | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 07:58 PM
What a charming post Kristi. It was really heartwarming to learn of your sisters and your Dad. We know and love Jules so much and now we know of your other family.
Posted by: Mary Catherine Levandovsky | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 08:46 PM
What a sweet story. I loved every word.
Posted by: Nancy Reynolds, Coronado CA | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:09 PM
Great story Kristi! Family vacations are the best! Are you wearing your wedding dress?
Posted by: Jennifer | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:42 PM
Hi Jennifer, Yes, that is my wedding dress. I forgot to mention it in the story. For anyone interested, here is the post from last summer about the dress:
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:59 PM
Joyful family reunion, beautifully narrated. A heart warming real life story. Remain blessed, tojour et tojour.
Posted by: Dr Abdul Malik (Toronto, ON.) | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 01:15 AM
Thank you for sharing this special adventure! How funny that I would be in Nice with my mom (who is 80) at the same time ! Isn’t the flower market always joyful?!
Posted by: Traci Nelson | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 01:17 AM
What a special adventure you all had. How lucky to be with your sisters and Dad. It was a beautiful and heart warming story. Big Hugs.
Posted by: Karen Cafarella | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 05:34 AM
Merci Kristi for this beautiful story. Treasure every moment with your loved ones, especially your Papa. I lost my dear Dad 18 years ago when he was just 65 and I miss him every day. But I am blessed that I still have my Mum and now a step-father as well. Bisous, Katrina
Posted by: Katrina | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 07:50 AM
Thanks for this wonderful post, Kristi! It’s so good to spend time with family members that you rarely get to see in person.
I’m always on the lookout for hair styling tools. Do you mind sharing what kind of brush Heidi was using? Many thanks!
Posted by: Betty | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 05:07 PM
Dear Kristi,
What an incredible cruise! It is wonderful that your family stays close while living so far apart from each other. That takes love and true commitment. You all must have many memories to cherish.
How fortunate that your dad is able to travel to be with you all. He certainly does not look his age. Such a very handsome man. No wonder his daughters are so lovely…
Posted by: Chris Allin | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 05:22 PM
Oh, Kristin, the perfect trip and &ˆ$#@!! that WE are in Rome and NOT COLLOIURE. I could have met you and 'done' Collioure with all four of you. MINCE! But lordy, lordy, what a glorious ship and food and shops and PAPA. Very handsome dude, your papa, and I do wish you three had had the Sugar Daddy tees...brilliant. Always shake 'em up when you can, that's my motto. Merci for a little armchair travel with you four. AND, in that last photo, an apartkent in the castle-looking structure was our first rental in Collioure with my stepkids and D, and it was a little town then with only 1 American somewhere (we never found him), and we loved the all-French it is overrun with so many visitors that we stay in our Faubourg house all summer, venturing only rarely into the centre ville. I could have shown you where to SHOP, haha. Minus papa....
Posted by: Suzanne Dunaway | Friday, October 18, 2024 at 05:24 PM
Such a beautiful family! A very handsome Papa with 3 lovely daughters. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Jeff Norman | Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 01:57 AM
I still remember with fondness when I met your father (and JeanMarc) at a wine tasting for Rouge Bleu in Newport Beach.
Posted by: Susan Carter | Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 07:50 PM
Family reunions are the best! We do them 2 or 3 times per year at the beach, in the mountains, or in the desert. It's tough getting everyone's schedule to mesh, but somehow we do. However we have been known to celebrate holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries whenever it suits our schedules and not necessarily by the calendar month in which they fall. As the song goes, "you've got to give a little to get a little (or in our case, get a Lot of Love)!
Posted by: Joanne | Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 10:26 PM
Another lovely post! How well you have recounted this special time you shared with your father and sisters. Beautiful photos accompanied these words and made the trip all the more real for the rest of us. Those family times together do strengthen those bonds of love. So happy all of you were able to gather & make some memories that will sustain you between visits. All of you look so great in your “white night” photo. Glad you are feeling well again and hope your dad is over his cold. Thanks for sharing your voyage with your loving readers.
Posted by: Jo-Anne | Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 06:08 PM
Thank you, Jo-Anne 💗
And many thanks to everyone for taking the time to leave a note. It means so much 💗💗
Posted by: Kristin Espinasse | Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 07:52 PM
my good friend Kristin,
your words about this cruise are hear warming. Knowing some of the places the boat stopped at, I can imagine the pleasure you felt. but think the greatest joy, as you expressed it, was the time with your father and sisters.
these memories will stay in your mind forever and that is the way it should be.
Your father served for his country but he also serve you, his daughters.
thank you for your service, Papa, both to Country and children.
Posted by: JEAN BARRUCAND | Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 10:57 PM
i meant "heart warming"
Posted by: JEAN BARRUCAND | Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 10:59 PM